Pictures of the past

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A koi fish swam along the surface, its opalescent scales shining as light reflected from them. Gwen ran her fingers down its back before it swam off, joining its friends on the other side of the pool.

"Isn't it bad to touch fish?" Ari chuckled, sitting beside her.

"Isn't it bad to question what I do?" Her skin lit up, a smirk on her lips.

"Good point." Something crossed his eyes, and he reached forward. "Hold still."

His hand passed into the flames, his fingers resting on her skin. The fire had no affect on him at all. He pulled back, looking at her with triumph.

"Um?" She let the flames disappear, watching him with newly found curiosity.

"I knew it." He grinned. "Your fire doesn't hurt."

"That's actually really good."


"What if I'm hurt or something and you try to pick me up? Then boom, I light up. You'd be the only one who could get me out of there."

"True." He nodded, smiling.

"You know what I want to see before I die?" She looked right at him. "You. As a dragon."

"Who says you're going to die?" He frowned. She gave him a look, and he remembered Cosette's message. "I'm not going to let that happen."

She shrugged, looking back at the pond. Something could happen, and she might not be able to get out of there. Ari was suddenly infront of her, his hands on her shoulders, looking deep into her eyes.

"I'm not going to let it happen. If it comes down to it, I will turn, and I will rip that woman's head from her shoulders. I will not let you die."

Gwen looked at him, sudden sorrow overcoming her. She leaned forward, burying her head in his chest and wrapping her arms around him. She began sobbing uncontrollably, unable to contain it for any longer.

"I'm so scared Ari...I don't want to die here...I want to grow up and have kids and live for another god damn sixty years!"

"Shh." He held her closer, rocking her gently. "I know, and you'll get all of that. A stupid vampire isn't going to stop that."

"I just...I want to get a chance to live before I die." Gwen pulled away, leaning against the stone bench. "I haven't graduated high school, I haven't gone to a concert, I haven't even kissed anyone."

"You haven't?" Ari furrowed his brows. "Why not?"

"No one ever wanted to kiss me. And all the guys I dated turned out to be liars and cheaters." She shrugged. "I pretty much gave up on love. Figured someone would settle for me."

"You shouldn't be like that. You should keep your hopes up." His gaze turned sad. "Someone will love you."

"Like who?" She laughed, and he looked away. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Anyone. They should all be falling for you anyways, people would be lucky to have you."

"Yeah. Sure." She took a deep breath, rain starting to fall around them. She grabbed Ari's hand, running with him inside before it started pouring. Something caught her eye; a white dress train, disappearing into the girls hall. She pointed it to Ari, who in response began sprinting up the stairs. She followed close behind, her breath increasing in rapidity as she got more exhilarated. They followed Cosette into the hall, watching as she walked into the attic.

"Should we follow?" Ari looked at her, but she was already opening the door and walking up the stairs. He was right beside her as they climbed, and she peered around a corner of boxes before continuing.



The whisper seemed more like the wind, but Gwen heard it. So she looked around, knowing Cosette wanted her to find something.

"Search? For what?" Ari looked at her, but Gwen was already opening and searching through boxes.

"I don't know."

"What are you looking for?"

"Cosette." She sighed. "There must be records or something here."

"That's actually smart." Ari kneeled beside her, pulling open boxes. They went through each one before packing it away neatly, most filled with decorations and frames. But then Ari stumbled upon something.

"Gwen, come here."

"What?" She walked over to him, and he handed her a photo. It was old, in brown and white and grainy as all hell. But she saw one face that looked at her, like she was pleading. Cosette. She flipped the photo over, a year written on the back. "Seventeen ninety five."

"That's her, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is." She placed the photo in her pocket before sitting down and going through the rest of the box. "Oh my god. There's one in here for every year."

"And there's Ms. Riffet in each one." He shook his head, wide eyed. "She looks the same."

"I don't know about you, but I'm ready to pack up and get the hell out of dodge."

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