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A red leaf dropped by Gwen's eye, falling and landing on the roof beside her. She was bundled up, wearing two sweaters and thick boots. A beanie slouched off her hair, keeping her head warm. The sound of the skylight popping open behind her distracted her thoughts, and Ari walked over to her, taking a seat. His eyes didn't stand out as much in the fall season, blending in with leaves.

"Morning Gwen." He smiled, handing her a cup. Inside was something she missed dearly; black coffee, rich and aromatic. She gazed up at him, eyes wide.

"Where did you get this?!"

"Jack made it. We get coffee, little guys get cocoa." He chuckled, sipping out of his own cup. Gwen chugged half of hers, glad for the warm liquid spilling down her throat. It reminded her of when she used to steal a cup from her father every day, then made her way to school. Something she'd never do again.

They watched the sun pass through the sky, passing by the time by talking. She decided to move to a subject that had been nagging at her, something that she thought Ari might have the answer to.

"Hey Ari?" She looked over at him with a sigh. "Is there something up with Iden?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been feeling like he might have feelings for me. Since you spend more time with him then I do, I thought you might know."

"Why? Do you like him?" His tone changed, and Gwen just shrugged. She didn't really know. "You're all he talks about. But he always sounds sad when he does."

She sighed, letting her head drop to her chest. "Crap."

"If you like him, you should tell him. We don't know how much time we have left, you should take advantage of it."

"You're right." She thought for a second, feeling her heart stutter. In a quick second, she leaned over, pressing her lips to his. She didn't realize what she was actually doing until she pulled away, watching his eyes widen.

"Wh-" He couldn't even speak. Then Gwen realized what she did, and panic set in. She stood up, backing towards the skylight.

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry, that was weird. Um, I'll go..." She turned, hopping through the hole and running through the attic. In the hall was Ophelia, standing with her hands over her grinning lips.

"Uh oh, secrets out." She giggled, running up to Gwen and hugging her before going down the steps and outside. Gwen turned, walking into the girls room and falling onto her sheets.

A tear ran down her cheek. Gwen didn't know if she had just screwed up, or how bad. Someone opened the door, and she looked up to see Serah walking towards her. Her hair was pulled into pigtails, the giant mass of curls looking like pom poms. She took a seat on the edge of the bed, stroking Gwen's hair.

"What happened?"

"I kind of messed up."

"What'd you do?"

"I...might've kissed Ari."

"You what?!" Serah sounded amazed. "What were you thinking?!"

"I don't know!" She sobbed. "He was talking about living in the moment, because we didn't know how long we had left, and I just did it. I don't want to hurt him, I just...like him. He means a lot to me."

"What do you mean? About the time thing?"

"Ms. Riffet is a vampire, she kills us when we turn sixteen."

"I knew something was up with her. There was a boy here, Stephan. When he turned sixteen, he just disappeared."

"In the west wing. There's something up, I think that's where she kills them." Gwen sat up, breathing hard.

"And about Ari, you have to tell him. You just have to. Both of the boys like you, you just have to make it clear."

"I know." Gwen sighed, looking at Serah. "Can we do something tonight?"

"Like what?"

"I have to find them. I have to find Cosette and the others. Even if I can't bury them, I have to at least know where they are." A tear ran down her cheek, a different kind though. "I can't let them remain at unrest."

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