Halloween night and things are getting bad

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Gwen pulled open a drawer, looking through her clothes for anything Halloween-ish. Not that all of her clothes weren't, she just wanted something more costume like. Her hand brushed against something lacy, and she pulled it out.

In her grip was a long dress that cascaded down, the entirety of it made from lace. It looked almost Victorian. She remembered finding it at a vintage store, for only fifteen dollars. It was something she just couldn't leave behind. It was perfect for tonight, so she dragged it into the bathroom and stripped out of her clothes. The back was a button up, something she knew she would need help with. So as she stepped into it, she buttoned what she could before walking into the girls room, and out to the hall.

Since there was no one there, she sighed, walking barefoot over to the attic. Just as she touched the handle, a chill ran up her spine. She could feel the fabric behind her tighten, another button being closed.

"You know, walking around like this is going to get you a good looking at." Ari chuckled from behind her, buttoning up the back of her dress. She let out the breath she was holding, letting him finish before turning around in his arms.

"I was just looking for you." She smiled, burying her head in his chest. He held her tight, rocking her back and forth.

"I know." He leaned his cheek against the crown of her hair, and she could feel the smile on his lips. A flash made her open her eyes, and they looked to see Delilah holding a large camera, a photo sliding out from it. She waved it slightly, smiling when it began to develop.

"Uh..." Gwen's breath stuttered, and Delilah ran up to her and gave her the photo.

"You're welcome." She giggled, running off and down the steps. Gwen turned to Ari, smiling. She noticed a sad look pass his face, and he let go of her.

"Come on. Dinners almost ready."

They walked down the steps, reaching the bottom just as the bell rang. They walked in, finding everyone there clothed in costumes, getting their food and chatting. Eyes turned to Gwen, their irises filled with amazement.

"I just realized you aren't wearing a costume." She turned her head to look at Ari, who simply shrugged.

"I haven't dressed up for a long time."

"Aw." She chuckled, getting a plate and moving to the window, Jack had a carved pumpkin on his head, serving up pumpkin pie and seasoned steak. They went to sit with the rest of the group, everyone talking and having fun.

"So what do we do for Halloween besides decorate and dress up?"

"Well." Iden smiled. "The smaller children get to go on a sort of easter egg hunt for candy in the garden. We get to sit around on the playground and eat as much as we want from a bucket."

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Gwen grinned, trying to eat her food quickly. Everyone else was doing the same, jittery and excited for tonight. They pretty much sprinted out once they were finished, finding a little satchel sitting at the base of a tree. Ophelia picked it up, opening it to find candy.

"Lets go find more!" William shouted, leading the pack into the garden. Gwen walked over to the playset, climbing up and finding that bucket of candy they were talking about.

"Well well, lets see what we got." She sat down beside it, looking through. A blue foil caught her eye, and her hopes weren't dashed when she pulled out an almond joy.

"Oh they got good shit this year." Iden pulled out a chocolate bar, eating it quickly. The rest crowded around, looking for their favorites.

What's your favorite Gwen? Aurelia picked out a lollipop, placing it in her mouth.

"Almond joy." She chuckled, holding up the wrapper. "What do you like Ari?"

"Butterscotch." He popped one in the air, catching it quickly.

"Any gummy stuff?" Serah leaned forward, sorting through it all. She found some dots, and with a happy squeal pretty much inhaled the packages contents.

It was a long time before the kids came back, and Gwen realized it was almost ten. They corralled everyone inside, getting the sugar high children into their rooms and into their beds.

"Well that was fun." Serah laughed softly as she finished tucking Delilah into bed. "Go change up, we'll get them settled in."

"Thanks Serah." Gwen smiled, grabbing some black yoga pants and a tank top. She walked over to the bathroom, glad Aurelia helped her to unbutton most of it. It slipped off her body, and she felt something rub up against her skin. The picture fell to the ground, she forgot that she'd hid it in the folds of the fabric. There stood her and Ari, holding eachother tight. Gwen had never felt real love before, but she knew that she loved this boy. Enough to risk her life for him.

She walked back from the room, finding all the girls in bed, and the lights turned off. She walked to her own, sitting on the mattress and picking up the picture frame on her nightstand. She moved the little prongs, pulling out the back and putting the photo behind the one of her family.

Gwen placed it back with a heartfelt sigh. She slipped into her shoes, walking to the door and out into the hall. She opened the door to the attic and walked up the steps, slowly opening the skylight. She pulled herself out, then walked over to Ari and sat with him.

"Did you have fun tonight?"

He made a noise, the same look crossing his face from earlier. She felt her intuition kick in, knowing something was up.

"What's wrong?"

"I..." He sighed, looking up at her. "I don't think we should keep this up. The whole secret relationship thing. Someones going to get hurt, and I don't want it to be you."

Gwen felt her heart stop, then barely restart in time. Tears pricked the edges of her eyes. "So you're saying you don't want this?"


Then she felt it. All the scars in her heart opening up and bleeding out. Someone she thought loved her, turning out to be another fraud. She never thought it would be him.

"I'm sorry Gwen. I just don't want to hurt you."

"Its okay." She took a deep breath, standing up. "I understand."

In reality, she didn't. She didn't understand a single bit of it. He said he didn't want to hurt her, but that's exactly what he just did. He tore her heart to bits.

She walked back to the girls room, all the emotion welling up inside her. She calmly kneeled by her drawers, pulling one out and sorting through it until she felt a small paper envelope. She then walked to the bathroom, taking a seat in the tub and pulling down her pants until they reached her knees. Then she opened the envelope.

Into her hand slid a flat metal object, one side razor sharp. A shaky hand brought the blade down onto her skin, slicing a parallel line into her thigh next to the others. This one reached deeper, she could feel it tear through muscle, all the blood leaking from her veins as she blacked out.

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