Decorations and preparations

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Hey. Wake up.

Gwen snorted, rolling over to face the wall. She wasn't even half awake, let alone fully.

Get your lazy ass up!

What? Gwen opened her eyes, finding Aurelia above her. The girl smiled darkly.

Wake. Up. We've got work to do.

Gwen rolled out of bed, collapsing onto the floor. It was cold, hard, and enough to wake her up. Oh god why am I so tired?

Dunno. Came down off the roof around one this morning. You looked so sure of yourself. Aurelia giggled, helping her up. What happened?

I. Um. I was up with Ari.

Naughty things transpire?

No. Not really. A flood of heat rushed up Gwen's cheeks. We kissed. A lot.

You guys are adorable.

Shut up. What work are we doing?

The girls walked down the stairs, finding the whole area bustling. The kids were carrying around miniature pumpkins, placing them here and there around the halls. Iden was on a step stool, hanging orange and black garlands. Ari walked up to her, placing a small scarecrow in her hands.

"Morning sunshine. You don't look too bright." He chuckled, smiling.

"Why am I holding a scarecrow?"

"Find somewhere to hang it up, I'm helping Iden with garlands. Serah's upstairs in the craft room if you need her."

"Alright. Thanks." She smiled back at him, sleep hanging in her eyes. He pulled her into a quick hug before turning and walking back to Iden, pulling a bunch of garland out of the box by his feet. Gwen began mindlessly wandering, looking for a spot to put the scarecrow. She ended up walking into the kitchen, finding Jack humming happily while cooking lunch. He smiled when he saw her.

"Hey Jack." She smiled back. "Know anywhere I can put this guy?"

"There should be a spot at the top of the stairs."

"Thanks!" Gwen waved, turning and running back through the hall and up the stairs. There was a blank wall, and exactly in the middle she found a nail sticking out. She smiled, leaning up and hanging it.

Singing floated out from around the corner, leading into the craft room. Gwen walked over, leaning in and glancing around. Serah was at a table, painting a delicate paper mask. She walked in, taking a seat beside the girl.

"Hey." She smiled, looking up. The mask was painted like a sugar skull, full of intricate flowers and designs.

"Where did you learn how to paint like that?"

"My mom." She sighed, looking back at the mask. "I really miss her sometimes."

"What happened?"

"When I was four, my dad ran off. My mom raised me, but when she found out what I could do, she started going mad. Eventually she grew abusive, and social services caught her. They took me away three years ago."

"I'm so sorry."

"I'm over it." She chuckled. "My mom was a piece of shit anyways."

"Well then." Gwen laughed along, shaking her head. Serah pulled out another mask, placing it infront of her.

"Come on. You get to paint one too."


"Yes." Serah put the paint brush in her hand. "You must paint. I order it."

"Ugh fine. You don't let up do you?"


Gwen thought carefully about what she wanted to do. Then she dipped her brush in the yellow, creating swirls on the subject. She let her creative side take over, letting the paint blossom into a piece of art. She even got up, grabbing the grey modeling clay and creating horns. The face was covered in fire, fangs painted into it.

She let it sink in. Something about it said what she thought of herself. A creature of fire, something to fear. But yet all these people love her, no matter what way. It didn't make sense to her how they could. After all, her whole life had been spent hated. But, she guessed, maybe this is what its like to have a real family.

"Wow." Serah smiled, holding the mask up high. "Its amazing."

"Not really." Gwen laughed, trying to keep herself from crying.

"Its horrifyingly beautiful. You'd be amazing as an artist."

She shrugged, listening as the door behind them opened. Lilith poked her head in, looking right at Serah.


"Its right over here honey." She got up, walking over to a small bin and pulling out a dress. It was a mahogany fabric, cut into circles and sewn into scaly skin. A shiny gold pleating ran down the front. It looked like a dragon.

"Thank you!" She hugged Serah, then ran over to Gwen. She looked at the mask, wide eyed. "Whoa."

"You like it?"

She nodded, her dark eyes glittering. Gwen picked it up, sliding it on her small head. The girl got hopeful, and Gwen couldn't help but laughing.

"This makes it complete. Go on little dragon, go scare Ari and Iden for me."

"Thank you!" She hugged Gwen, who hugged her back. The girl ran out of there, her dress in hand, roaring like a dragon.

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