#31 Reply: Rock The GF Thief T^T >XC

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#31 Question: Shikamau20- Temari what if ROck Lee liked you?

Ominous voice: Sakura is just loosing man one by one.....but then again she never had one to begin WITH HAHHAAHAH!!!


Shikamaru: What was that you said?!!

Temari: O_O Rock....Lee

Shikamaru: Rock Lee, you are on my hit list!

Rock Lee: T_T but i didn't do anything.

Temari: you have a hit list......

Shikamaru: I will start one now and Rock Lee is right up there at the top!!

Rock Lee: T^T but i /love Sakura.....Sakura please love my back.

Shikamaru: That's just a cover....you're after my Temari, aren't you!!

Temari: I don't belong to You!!

Shikamaru: of course you do, >_> you're my woman aren't you...are you really cheating on me with Rock Lee?!

Temari: Who brought that up?! Don't you think I'd rather cheat on you with NEJI!!!

Shikamaru: What!! NEJI!! Neji you're Dead to me!!

Temari: [whacks Shikamaru on his head] Neji is dead you idiot!

Shikamaru: What are you talking about, i saw him this morning.

Neji: yeah Temari, what are you talking about?

Temari: KYAAA!!! GHOST!!

Rock Lee: SAAA-KUUU-RAAAAA!!!! T^T I Love You!!

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