#2. Reply: Great Lord Usagi-san =.= XP

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#2 Question: NelielTu- My first question is to Usagi-san, why are you always so hands on with Misaki-kun and you must have him

Uminus Voice: Hale the great Lord Usagi-san may he live on forever


Usagi-san: the answer to that question, NelielTu is very simple and here is what it is

Misaki: [looking at Usagi-san] i can bet he's gonna say something stupid like, "because he's mine or something" I DON"T BELONG TO ANYONE!!!!

Usagi-san: the answer is BECAUSE I WANT TO

Misaki: EEEeeeeehhhHHHHH!!!!! That's not a proper excuse Usagi-san!!!! U can't do something because you want too!!!!!

Usagi-san: [leans in to Misaki]

Misaki: U..Usagi-san.......

Usagi-san: I want you now.....

Misaki: i..I don't want too.[turns up his nose to Usagi-san]

Usagi-san: i wasn't asking [grabs Misaki and throws Misaki over his shoulder, walking uo the stairs]

Misaki: Usagi....Usagi-san, you can't to that!!!

Usagi-san: watch me....


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