#3 Reply: Slave To The Palm-Top-Tiger ~(^_^)~ 'O.O'

865 29 27

#3 Question: Shikamaru20- Taiga would u ever consider dumping Ryuji for me 

Unminus voice: [cackling]


Taiga: a..a..a-ACHOOO!!!!! [snifles as she wipes her nose with the side of her hand] hmmm that's a good question

Ryuji: [looks at Taiga] you're thinking about it?!

Taiga: [jumps butting Ryuji under his chin] SHUT UP!!! I'M THINKING!!!

Ryuji: [slams back into the wall]........would you stop doing that!!!

Taiga: [turns up her nose to Ryuji] Hmpt!! is my dog telling me what to do!?!

Ryuji: no....of course not.

Taiga: then that's settle, I CAN'T LEAVE RYUJI FOR YOU Shikamaru20!!!!

Ryuji: [looks at Taiga, slight smile]

Taiga: a master can't leave her slave behind [arms folded looking away from Ryuji blushing]

Ryuji: [holding his chin, looking away from Taiga blushing]

Ask The Dragon And The Palm-Top-Tiger With Friends [Toradora Fanfic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें