Chapter 22

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We pack up and go to the airport. Our next destination is Rome, Italy. Yet another city with deep roots in history. Example A, the Holy Roman Empire and Roman Empire. We arrive in Rome and go to our hostel. We sleep off the plane ride over. That next day, we begin our adventure exploring the city. Our first stop is the Colosseum. That place is incredible. I love it so much.

It's only within walking distance from the place we're staying at, so it's convenient. We get a tour around, looking inside and seeing the remnants of a great, yet violent century. The guide explains everything that happened here all those years ago. It's fun learning about history. Like I've said before, it's my favorite subject.

After touring the Colosseum, we move onto the Patheon. I take time to read the plaques around. I also snap some pictures. Woods kisses me, happy that we get to experience this together. We're making so many memories that we'll never forget. We take a walk all throughout the Patheon. Once we finish touring around, we take a walk down to a little cafe. I get a coffee to get an extra burst of energy. Woods also grabs a coffee.

We head down to the Tiber river to take one of those romantic canoe rides. The man rowing the boat is wearing a striped shirt, red beret, and red scarf. He greets us in Italian. We don't understand, but get in anyway. He begins rowing away from the dock. With the little Italian I learned, I manage a simple question. It's helpful to us right now.
"Parli inglese perché siamo americani." I said.
"Yes. I do. It may not be the best, but I can speak it." He said.
"Okay, what's your name?" Woods asked.
"Angelo. You?" Angelo asked.
"I'm Woods, that's my fiancee Shelly." Woods said.
"What a beautiful couple. Out of all the couples I've rowed, you guys are my favorite." Angelo said.
"You're really nice." I said.
"So are you guys." Angelo said.
"Thanks. This is our first time in Italy. Any places in Rome we should go see?" I asked.
"Good thing you asked. I'm sure you've seen the Colosseum and Patheon. I think you should go see the Sistine Chapel. The site of where Michaelangelo painted the ceiling. I think you'd like that." Angelo said.
"Okay, cool." Woods said.

We finish our canoe ride on the river, and get back to the docks. We google where to find the Sistine Chapel from where we were. We got into a taxi and went there. We get to the chapel and it's massive. It's so beautiful at night. We walk inside and I immediately look up. I see the works of Michaelangelo. It's so pretty. I take out my phone and take pictures.
"I love this place." Woods said.
"Me too. Woods, I found this romantic restaurant that we can go to after this." I said.
"Oh, nice. For now, let's do some looking around." Woods said.
"Okay." I said.

It took us a good two hours to see everything in the Sistine Chapel. Now, it's time to have dinner at I Sofà Bar Restaurant & Roof Terrace. A beautiful restaurant on the rooftop. You have a view of the river Tiber. I order the Natale and Woods orders the Capodanno. We get our food and drinks. We clink our drinks together, for a life of happiness from this day forward.

We finish dinner then go back to our hostel. We sleep the rest of the night. That next morning, we take a morning walk around Rome. I've been told by the locals that we have in no means have time to see everything in Rome. I took note of that and told Woods we should to the Spanish Steps. It's really pretty. I've seen pictures of it and I wanna see it in real life.

We rode over to the Spanish Steps and the pink flowers all over are so pretty. Here is a picture of the place:

We walk up the steps and have someone take our pictures for us

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We walk up the steps and have someone take our pictures for us. We have a photoshoot around the flowers or in front of the building. All of the pictures we're taking will go up on our Instagrams. The photographer finishes taking pictures and we thank her. Her name is Angela. We get her social medias so we could keep in contact with her once we leave Italy. We take another walk around the entire place, just loving that we got this opportunity to do this.

When we're done looking around, we grab lunch. I have the most stereotypical thing you can have in Italy and that's spaghetti and meatballs. I slurp it up like I've starved myself. I eat every last bit of my spaghetti and drink the rest of my raspberry tea. Woods also finishes eating and we head out. We began walking around again. We go see one of the many fountains all around Rome. We throw coins into the fountain, hoping our wishes will come true.

We kiss in front of the fountain. There are professional photographers taking pictures of us. I don't know what it is about us, but Italians like us. It's odd, but it's cool. We ask the photographer if he could send us the pictures he took. He happily agreed to send them to us. We walk back to our hostel and take some time to jam out to Woods' finished song. He started in Greece and finished it here, in Italy. It's about our travels so far, and the melody is beautiful. He asked me to sing one of the verses. I read over it and I sang it.

Woods records my voice on his phone for furture recordings. When we get back home, we're going to the studio and recording this song. It sounds so good so far. I can't wait for our fans to hear it. I just know they'll like it.

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