Chapter 18

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I go to the bathroom and clean up.
"You guys were. . . Loud." Luca said.
"Luca! You were listening?!" I blurt.
"I mean, I could barely sleep. Sorry." Luca said.
"It's whatever dude. We're even closer then." Woods said.
I punch his arms, "That stuff's personal."
"And he's family. He deserves to know." Woods said.
"Not everything. Not all family members need to know every detail of my life. Sorry, I'm in a bad mood for some reason." I said.
"It's okay. I'm sure you'll feel better later." Woods said, kissing my cheek.

We all gather and eat breakfast. Louis said that he's give us a ride in his Porche down the Autobahn. Sounds like a whole lot of fun. He pulls up in his sick ride. That engine sounds so sexy. Louis honks the horn, motioning us to get in. We pulk the passenger seat back so I could climb into the back. Woods hops into the passenger seat. Louis starts slow, then merges onto the infamous Autobahn. Very gradually, he begins going faster and faster.
"Ready to go 321 kilometers an hour?" Louis asked.
"What is that exactly?" Woods asked.
"200 miles an hour." Louis said.
Woods' eyes widen and so do mine. Okay, I'm kind of scared. I've always been scared of speed, every since I was a kid.

Louis hits the pedal to metal and we zoom down the highway. I let how the girliest scream ever. I cover my mouth to prevent any more embarrassing screams. Louis drives all the way to southern Germany. We end up in Frankfurt. Louis parks in front of a house. This is where my dad was born, and where I'm about to meet my uncle and aunt for the first time.
"This is my parents' house. Their names are Amy and Neil." Louis said.
"Cool." I said.

We get out of the car. Louis knocks on the door. His dad answers the door. He gives him a hug and we're let in. His mom is upstairs working on something for her job. We sit in the living room. I introduce myself and Woods follows.
"I'm your dad's, cousin's brother. If that makes any sense." Neil said.
"Kinda, so you've been here ever since my dad and uncle were born?" I asked.
"Well, after your dad was born, I was born three years later." Neil said.
"It's nice to meet you. That's all I've been doing, meeting Shelly's family. That was my goal when I took her here." Woods said.
"You've got a lovely, handsome financé Shelly." Amy said.
"Thanks, I know and he knows too." I said.

Uncle Neil and aunt Amy served us lunch. After lunch, we took pictures together, then went on our way. Now, we explore around Frankfurt. Louis shows me the hospital that my dad was born in. He also shows me popular sites scatteres throughout the city. This tour is lovely. Louis is really nice. I couldn't ask for a better cousin. All of my cousins that I've met are great.

When our tour of Frankfurt was over, we get dinner at a little cafe. During the evening, Louis drives us back to Berlin. We arrive back at Berlin around 10pm. Tired from the drive, we all collaspe in our beds. That morning, Woods and I began planning our wedding. We want it in the summer so it's nice weather. I told Woods that I want it in my hometown because my parents can't travel very far. My parents are elderly now. They can't afford to travel great distances. Woods agreed on having our wedding in my childhood church. Man, I miss those days. I had some fun moments.

Sadly, our time in Germany has ended. I told my cousins the date for our wedding, or the time when we want to have it. We tell them it's in the summer, and they'll make an effort to make over for the wedding. I hug them all tightly. I'm going to miss them a lot. I get their numbers and socials so we can keep in contact.

Onto the next country! To Greece we go. A country rich with history and mythology. Athens is the place where it all went down. We get on the plane and fly to Greece. Once arriving, we check into our hostel. We have a view of the Saronic Gulf. We're staying a little ways outside Athens to get a good view. Our first activity on our agenda is swimming in the ocean and riding a boat. We put on our swimsuits, grab our towels, sunscreen, and get onto the boat.

The boat starts up and begins driving by the islands scattered all around. We're actually island hopping right now, which is so fun. The boat stops and now's our opportunity to take a little dive. I fall backwards into the water, doing a graceful backflip. I take a little dive into the water, looking at all the fish swimming around. I love the coral, so colorful and pretty. I swim back to the boat and get back on, once realizing everyone else was.

While on the boat, we meet people from the UK, Australia, the Philippines, and Canada. We made some friends today, from all over the world. We jump from island to island. Half way through, we have lunch on Mykonos. It's the prettiest island I've seen in the world. We're treated to the finest Greek cuisine. All of it was so delicious. We finish up lunch, then get back onto the boat. After island hopping was finished, we get back to our hostel to chillax for the rest of the day. During the night, we go out to see what kind of exciting nightlife Greece has to offer. There are plenty of clubs and whatnot, but that's not my kind of vibe, if I'm being honest. So, instead we take a walk down the beach. We use the flashlights on our phone so we can see where we're going. We walk out on a doc and sit down. We dangle our feet into the water and have a deep talk.
"So. . . After this whole trip to Europe, what's next?" I asked.
"We work. We work our asses off and make the best content our fans have ever seen." Woods said.
"Okay, yeah but seriously. Are we going to move in together, now that we're going to be married?" I asked.
"Of course. Sadly, we can't keep my dogs and cat, but that's something I'll have to sacrifice." Woods said.
"It's okay, I didn't choose my allergy. Anyway, has anyone from Hi5 tried to contact you?" I asked.
Woods looks at his phone. Right on time, Tanner's face time comes up. He answers it. Don't know how his phone works in Greece, but okay.
"Hey dude, what's up?" Woods asked.
"Nothing, everyone's here and wondering what you guys have been up to." Tanner says, panning his camera around, showing everyone. They say hi.
"Well. . ." I said, showing my engagement ring.
"Woah, that's not what I think it is, is it?" Tanner asked.
"Yes it is. It's an engagement ring. We're engaged." Woods said.
"Congrats." Cat says.
"Yeah, congrats." Sam said.
"Bro, congrats. This is a big deal. When's the wedding?" Tanner asked.
"The summer. We don't know an exact date though." I said.
"Well, I'm looking forward to it. Yo, where are you guys now?" Tanner asked.
"Greece." We say in unison.
"So cool. Well, I'll see you later then." Tanner said.
"Nice talking to you." Woods said.
"Yeah, see you soon." I said.
"Right, see ya." Tanner said, hanging up.
It was nice talking to Tanner again. It's always nice when your friends check up on you.

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