Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning. I find the bathroom and clean up. I take a shower and throw on this outfit:

I find whatever's in the fridge and make breakfast with it

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I find whatever's in the fridge and make breakfast with it. I found eggs so I can make some scrambled eggs for myself. Without noticing, Woods walks in, ready to head to work.
"You raiding my fridge already?" He asks.
"Uh, what? Oh, you scared me. You gonna have breakfast?" I asked.
"Yeah. What's cookin' good lookin'?" Woods asks.
I giggle and blush a little at his remark. "Eggs, how do you like 'em?"
"Sunny side up, thanks." Woods said.
"No problem. This is the easiest thing to make, honestly." I said.
"Other than toast, obviously. Anyway, what are you and Sam planning on doing today?" Woods asked.
"Um, I was thinking of starting my own YouTube channel. Sam said everyone is nice enough to help me out. What I need to do today is buy a camera and good mic. Any recommendations?" I asked.
"Oh, hell yeah. You could never go wrong with Canon cameras. They're a bit spendy at a whopping $200 or higher. Are you willing to spend that much?" Woods asked.
"Of course, I mean any high quality cameras to get me started. I know I don't have to, but I want to." I said.
"Look, if you really don't have the budget, you could always wait until you do." Woods said.
"No, I really want to start. My job provides enough. I make around $60,000 a year." I said.
"Damn, that's not very much. Where do you work?" Woods asked.
"I'm lucky enough to work as a high school teacher. I'm an English teacher." I said.
"Ooo, that's rough. I could never be able to do such a job." Woods said.
"Well, what do you do, other than vlog of course." I said.
"I write, compose, and make music. I can sing a little." Woods said.
"You can sing? Give me a little sample." I said.
"Maybe later, I've gotta go to work." Woods said.
"Okay, see you later." I said. Woods walks out the door.

I order an uber to Woods' house and go to Best Buy. Today is the day I buy a camera to start vlogging. I take his suggestion. I ask the employee which is the highest quality camera, but at the same time, affordable. The employee points me to a Canon. She tells me that it's the best that I can get with the budget I have. She also suggests that I buy memory cards and a mic to go along with it. Eventually, I give into it all. If I'm going to be a YouTuber, I better prepare and buy all the materials.

The total of all it hurts to see, but I made this decision. Day two in LA, and I'm already spending more than I'd like. I think I should quit my job as a teacher as soon as my job of being a YouTuber takes off. For now, I don't even feel confident in what I'm doing yet. I'll have to figure this out first. I get an uber back to Woods' house. I get a text from Sam.
Sam: You coming to the office today?
Me: Give me thirty minutes
Sam: Okay, you buy your first camera?
Me: How'd you know?
Sam: You were talking about it, I just knew you'd go for it
Me: Yeah, but it was so expensive
Sam: I bet, but when you get going, you won't have to worry about the money you spent today. It'll all come back sooner or later
Me: Yeah, anything interesting happen yet?
Sam: The usual shoots. Everyone is working very diligently
Me: Good, be right over

I get an uber and dropped off at orange base. I walk in and into Sam, Woods' office. I show Sam what I bought. She told me that I bought a very good camera. At least I didn't waste my money.
"You should start now." Sam said.
"I don't know what to talk about." I said.
"Talk about your trip to LA, oh I don't know, how you spent the night loving it all up on Woods." Sam teased.
"Woah. . . Okay, no." Woods said.
"Yeah, we're not even close enough to be friends." I said, "I mean, we are, just not like that."
"Whatever you say. I see you eye-balling Woods. You may not realize it, but you seem to do that a lot." Sam said.
"Okay, shh. Yes, I do. Just don't tell him, please." I whispered.
"Got you." Sam whispers back.

I press record on the camera and begin talking about my first day in LA. I film Sam and talk to her about how we met. I'm doing pretty good, I think. I walk around the base, searching for comedic people to help make this vlog more interesting. I don't want to make it look like I'm thirsty for content, this is my first video. Give me a break. I search for people. They have bits, but ask exactly what I want.

Afterwards, I go upstairs and into an empty room. This is where I can practice talking to the camera. I'm going to have to learn how to edit too. There are some parts of this video that is honestly trash because of how awkward it is. I just need more confidence. I finish up my video and walk back downstairs. I walk into Sam's office.
"So, how'd it go?" Sam asked.
"Good, kinda. Could you give me a quick lesson on editing?" I asked.
"Of course." Sam said.

I pull out my laptop and plug in my camera. Sam shows me the editing program to download. After downloading, she shows me how to move the video into the program. She asks what parts I want cut out. I told her, and she showed me how to do so. I watch carefully, paying attention to everything she's doing. At the beginning of the video, she suggests that I have a little intro, and vice versa for the end. I chose royalty free music that I liked. Sam added an intro and an end card to my video. Once all the editing was done, uploading the video is the easiest part. Sam asked what I wanted to use as a thumbnail. She came up with a few nice ones. I picked my favorite and she adds it.

I add a description that is straight to the point: My first video. I hope you all like it :) I add my social media links below that. I also title it accordingly: My Trip to LA|Part 1 All I have to do now is wait. My first video. This is so exciting. I'd hate to be that person but, this is the start of something new ;)

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