11. zombie football players

Start from the beginning

"let's go!" Finn looked at them, "down!" the McKinley football team go down, "set!" the linebacker looks at Finn, "whoo!"

"hut!" Finn didn't catch the football when Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "what the hell?" Spencer runs after the linebacker, when Spencer jumped onto him, taking the linebacker down, as the football rolls out of his hands.

"whoo!" Coach Beiste pats Spencer's helmet, when Spencer smirked at Santana, who just smiled, putting her face into her pom poms.

"nice hands," Karofsky bumps his shoulders with Finn's, when Sean and Spencer shoulder bumped.


Coach Beiste puts her binder onto a stool, "what a joke," she looked around at them, "what the hell happened?!"

Spencer winced, "Spencer!" Coach Beiste looked at him, "you're the captain, speak!" Karofsky looked at Finn, when he started talking, "Karofsky sucks,"

"that's what happened!" Karofsky looked at Coach, "that's crap! Finn's a frickin' girl and could take a joke about Spencer's glee club!"

Finn looked at Karofsky, "because i'm sick of you guys getting down on some of us for it," Spencer scratched his cheek, "we're in glee club, what's the big deal?"

"it's embarrassing! we're dudes!" Spencer looked at his football team, "we know we're dudes! we just like singing, okay,"

"getting all hot and bothered about singing a Kesha song? it's freakin' weird," Puck looked at the blonde headed football player, "yeah?"

Spencer looks at Puck, "well, maybe you'll think it's cooler when i go all tik tok on your face," Spencer looks at Puck, "bring it, Puckerman,"

"hey! hey!" Coach Beiste and Spencer pulled back Karofsky and Puck away from each other, "that's enough! that's enough!"

"championship game or not," Karofsky looked at Coach Beiste, "i am not blocking for him," Karofsky pointed at Finn, "get the hell out of here!"

Karofsky looked at Spencer, "i'm sorry, Spence.." Spencer put his head against his hands when he let out a sigh, "good!"

"bunch of babies!" Finn kicked a bin over when Spencer rolled his blue eyes, when he goes towards his football locker, "now who's gonna block defenders for me?"

Spencer put his head into his locker, when he looked at his cross necklace when he puts it over his blue hoodie when Spencer slides on his letterman jacket.


"really fast," Tina kicked her legs out when Spencer clicked his fingers alongside Mason, "five, six, seven-" Maisy looked towards the choir room door, "oh, my god.."

"Artie!" the new directions turn their heads towards the choir room door looking at Artie, who had red slushie going down him, "what happened?"

"it was awful," Brittany moved away from Samaria, going towards her boyfriend when Micaela goes towards Mr Schuester office, getting Artie a towel, "that's it!"

Spencer clenched his fist, "screw rehearsal!" Spencer looked down at Finn, "this ends here and now," the new directions boys looked at Finn and Spencer, as they all wore their letterman jacket.

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