Chapter 11

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Callen Pov

Deeks and I have been sitting with Alexa, so far nothing new on who shot her. We haven't moved since we got here. We also learned that during her surgery her heart had stopped twice. I hear a creak from her bed and I see her open her eyes.

"Alexa?" I say walking to her

"Callen?" She asks looking around, "What happened, where-"

"It's alright. You're in the hospital." Deeks says

"You were shot," I tell her

"I remember. It was cold when I was shot." She says in a raspy voice, shutting her eyes

"It happens, you lost a lot of blood," Deeks said

"It wasn't from blood loss, it was cold on the wound." She says

"You flat-lined." Deeks says, "Got us worried."

"What do you remember about the person who shot you?" I ask

"Not much, he was definitely nervous and scared. Like he didn't want to do it." She says, "Did they recover the bullet from me?"

"There was no bullet, there was no exit wound," I explain

"That's impossible." She says

"The rest of the team is out trying to figure it out. Hetty has us benched from the case." Deeks says

"How long until my heart started beating again?" She asks

"Two minutes. You were dead for two minutes." I answer quietly not liking that thought

"Oh god." She says

"Well, would you look at that?" A voice says and I turn around and see Alexa's old boss, Horatio

"Horatio?" Alexa says as he walks up

"Hey." He says taking his sunglasses off

"What are you doing here?" She asks him smiling

"To see you of course. Callen called us, we're all here. Calleigh, Natalia, Eric, and Walter are all catching up with Ryan. They'll be in just a moment." He says "Natalia almost stroke out when I told her you were in critical condition. It was bad the first time."

I look at them confused and I see Deeks with the same expression, "The first time?"

"Wait, you've had a near death experience before?" Deeks

"That's a story for another time." She tells us and Kensi walks in

"Guys, Hetty said you can work the case." She says and we look to Alexa

"Go, I'll be okay," Alexa says

I go and kiss her, "We'll be right back. I love you."

"I love you too." She says and we leave

We walk outside of the hospital and I hold Deeks back

"What's up?" He asks

"Look,  I know it's shitty timing, I was planning this before all of this happened but what I wanted to know was, do I have your blessing to marry Alexa?" I bluntly say

"Wow, wasn't expecting that. You're sure you want to do this?" He asks me trying to compose himself

"Yes, 100%. She's the one I want to be with." I answer memories flooding my brain of the fun times we've had

"Then yes, you have my blessing. Now let's go get this son of a bitch." Deeks says

Alexa POV

For the last couple of hours, I've been catching up with my old team. They left a bit ago to let me take a nap since the medications I was on were making me drowsy. I woke up to my door opening and I see Callen. 

"Hey," I said sitting up a little bit, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes

"Hey, how you feeling baby?" He asks kissing my forehead

"Better, little achy but I'm alive," I said and he smirks

He pulls up a chair and sits by my bedside, "I have a question for you"

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