Chapter 2

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Alexa Pov

We all go to Ops and Eric and Nell start explaining the case.

"Mala Noche gang leader Memo Fearo escaped Miami West Prison and enter Los Angeles." Eric said

"Memo." Ryan and I said in sync

"You guys know him?" Kensi asked

"Yea he killed Horatio's wife, Eric's sister. Horatio arrested him and we put him in jail. Looks like he escaped again." I said crossing my arms

"Again?" Deeks asked

"Yes again. This is his second time escaping Miami-West Prison in the last year." I said

"Why are we taking this case?" Sam asked

"Because of who he killed last. Memo was seen killing Sargent Ray Mendez. His wife walked in when Memo was leaving." Nell said

"Have we seen Memo since the house or why he killed him?" Ryan asked "He's never killed a military man before.That's not how he rolls."

"We are checking traffic cams around the area. We are looking for any relation between the two. We haven't found much but there is this one guy Manny Ortega. Both knew Ray. Apparently they all got into a confrontation at a nightclub, Warwick, in downtown LA. They were all kicked out." Eric said

"Alexa, you said Memo shot the wife, right?" Nell asked

"Yea, her name was Marasol." I said

"This says he attempted sniper on 2 CSIs." Nell said

"Oh, he sniped Eric in the arm but missed me by an inch. Had he been right on target I probably wouldn't be here right now." I said

"You got snipped at and you didn't tell me." Deeks says

"I checked with Hetty and she said you were undercover at the time." I said

"I could have pulled out." Deeks exclaims

"I didn't need you risking blowing your cover for me." I argued

Then the screen started freezing and then Memo appeared.

"NCIS, I have dealt with people like you before. You don't scare me. Oh and by the way I know you have 2 former CSIs who arrested me. Alexa Deeks and Ryan Wolfe. Watch your backs NCIS, who knows who will be next to put a bullet in it." Memo said

Then the screen turns back to normal.

"How did he know we were in LA?" Ryan asked, "How did he even hack into our servers?"

"It's Memo he has people everywhere." I said

"He's targeting us, specifically Alexa and Ryan." Sam said

"Ryan and Alexa you two go find Manny Ortega." Hetty said

"Wait are you sure you want to send them out together? Or even at all?" Callen asked, "They are being targeted."

"It's not the first time." I said, "We'll be fine."

Callen gives me a look and shakes his head.

"Then that's settled. Kensi and Deeks go talk to the Manager of Warwick.Callen and Sam,I'm gonna need you to call up Horatio and ask about all the information he has on Memo. " Hetty said

Ryan and I head out to Manny Ortega's last known address. We get out of the car and head to the front door. Out of nowhere a car speeds up towards us with Manny in it tied up. They start shooting at us and I get hit. I gasp and look down seeing the gunshot wound. I fall to my knees but Ryan catches me before I hit the ground too hard. He gently lays me down.

"Hey, Alexa stay with me." Ryan says trying to stop the bleeding

"Alexa has been hit. I repeat Alexa has been hit." Ryan says

"What?" Everyone exclaims into our earpieces

My breathing starts to get heavy, which makes it hard to breathe.

"Is she breathing?" Callen asks, his voice full of worry

"Barely." Ryan said,"Eric send an ambulance!"

"Already on it." I heard Eric say

Then my eyes started to droop closed.

"Hey, you stay with me. You keep those eyes open." Ryan says

My eyes close again and I can feel him check my pulse.

"She's gone." I heard Ryan sigh

Callen Pov

I was driving to Ortega's address when I hear "She's gone."

"Say again." I said

"She's gone, Callen" Ryan said

I feel my heart just break.

Deeks Pov

"She's gone." Ryan said as we walked up

"No she's not." I said bending down to her

"You're not dead." I say "Alexa please wake up."

I felt my eyes start to water at the fact that my little sister is dead. Gone. I lay my head down on her stomach.

"I should have been here." I said letting the tears out

I feel Kensi rub my back and I grab her hand.

We hear a door close and we see Callen.

Callen Pov

Sam and I get out of the car and I see Deeks leaning on Alexa's body crying. They look up at me as I walk to her. Ryan gets out of the way so I can be by her. I grab her hand and hold it tight.

"No, Alexa, baby, please wake up." I cry, "PLEASE!"

"Callen she's gone!" Deeks shouted

"She can't be gone." I said as Sam hugged me

"She can't be gone." I said as the tears fell down my face.

Alexa Pov

If they only knew.

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