Chapter 1

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Alexa Pov

I wake up from being knocked out for the 87th time

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I wake up from being knocked out for the 87th time. I lick my lips and noticed the dry blood and new blood on my lips. My lip must have gotten busted again. I squinched my face up and could feel the bruises. I have a black eye for sure. Ahmad Shizad kidnapped me maybe 3 to 4 weeks ago. I was undercover trying to figure out why they stole many different poisons. Then someone my cover got blown. Someone informed him that I was a federal agent. I've been planning my escape for about a few days now. I will get out today. I will see my brother and boyfriend again.

They tied me up duct tape so it's not hard to snap. I pull and pull on my hands until they are free. Then I untie my feet. I go to the door and it's unlocked. Big mistake. I walk out and run through the halls. I find stairs and go down them. There's one guy blocking the exit, he's a small guy I can take him. I sneak behind him and put him in a headlock and knock him out. I lay his body down quietly and run out the exit. The sun blinds me since I've been locked up in a dark room. I look around and know where I am. The office is only a few miles away.

I started my walk to the building. People that pass me give me suspicious, pity looks. I feel for my badge and realize it must have fallen out when he first kidnapped me. Maybe Callen or Deeks has it. I finally make it to the building and walk in. Everybody turns to me as I walk in. I walk to where our desks are and see them all with their backs turned to me. They are looking at the screen with my picture and Shizad's.

"Where could he have possibly taken her?" Callen said

"We have check all his known locations and nothing." Beale said

"She's been missing for a month. That's too long." Deeks said

"Maybe she's lost for good." Granger said

"She can't be. We have to keep looking." Callen said

"Where have we not checked?" Sam said

"She could be hidden in plain site." Kensi suggested

"Kensi was right.That old building a couple miles down the street would have been a good place." I said

They all turn around and see me. Deeks bee lines for me and hugs me.

"You're alive." He said hugging the life out of me

"Keep squeezing me and I might not be." I said chuckling

"I love you." Deeks said letting me out of grip

"I love you too." I said

Deeks released me and Callen took me into his arms and kissed me. It hurt a little because of my lip but I didn't mind.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get to you in time." He said

"It's not your fault." I said,"I was ratted out."

"What?" Callen says confused

"Someone in this office gave Shizad information that I was a federal agent. We have a mole." I said

"We will deal with that at a later time. Mr.Callen take her home to get cleaned up. We have case, if you are willing to work it Ms.Deeks." Hetty said

Callen and I nodded and we were heading out when my name was called.

"Yes." I said

"Welcome back." Deeks says throwing me my badge

I smiled and put my badge in my pocket. Callen and I got into the car and drove to our place. We got out and went inside. Callen stands in the doorway of our bedroom and looks at me.

"What?" I said

"I almost thought you were dead." He said his voice shaky

"I'm not. I'm right here and besides I can take care of myself." I said putting my arms around his neck

"I know you can." he said kissing me again

"I'm gonna go shower." I said,"I need it."

He nodded and I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and gasped. I did have a slight black eye. I also have small bruises here and there. There's dry blood around my mouth from my lip being busted. My hair got a little longer in the month I was gone.

I strip off my clothes and notice that my ribs are slightly bruised. I had a couple of bruises and cuts in some places but nothing major. I'm surprised they didn't break anything when they were beating me. I stepped into the shower and sighed when the hot water hit me. I haven't showered in a month and my hair was basically a grease trap.

I grabbed my shampoo and scrubbed my hair until I felt it was clean enough. I grab my conditioner and put it on the ends of my hair. I get my shaving cream and start shaving. After I was done shaving I rinsed out the conditioner and washed my face and body. I splash some cold water on my hair and turn the water off. I open the shower door and realize I didn't grab a towel.

"Callen!" I called

"Yea?" He said walking in

"Can you grab me a towel?" I asked"Sure." He said leaving and then returning with a towel

He walks to me handing the towel to me but when I reach for it he yanks it away.

"Kiss first." He said smiling

"Fine, I'll kiss you after you give me that towel." I said

He looked skeptical but handed over the towel. I wrapped the towel around me and secured it. I put my arms around Callen's neck and kiss him harder then he was expecting. I pulled back before he could react and ran to the room grabbing the clothes I had put on the counter.

"Hey!" He called

I laughed and locked our bedroom door. I got dressed and put my shoes on.  

-The FBI badge is a NCIS badge and the car is like Sam's except grey and no glasses-

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-The FBI badge is a NCIS badge and the car is like Sam's except grey and no glasses-

  I put my gun in my holster and my badge in my pocket.

"Callen let's go."I said

We get into my car and Callen smiles and shakes his head at me.

"What?" I said

"You did me dirty." He said

"You said kiss you and I did." I said

"That was like 3 seconds." He said

"Was not." I said

"Was too." He said

I pulled up to Ops and me and Callen were still arguing.

"I kissed you longer than 3 seconds." I said as we were walking in

"No it was exactly 3 seconds." He said

"It was way- Ryan?" I said seeing my old friend

"Alexa." He said

We hugged and I asked "Why are you in LA?"

"I work here now. Horatio was called by Hetty saying that they need a new agent and he told me I should take it so I did." Ryan said

"Mr. Wolfe is actually your partner." Hetty says walking over

"Really?" Ryan and I said in sync

"How do you guys know each other?" Deeks asked

"Remember when I took a job down in Miami? I worked as a CSI for Lieutenant Horatio Caine. I left because I had done my job too well and made enemies and also you called me saying there was an opening here." I explained

A whistle sounded and we turned around to see Eric.

"We have a case." He said

We all headed up to Ops to see what case we have today.

Once again I say yes another story. I don't know what it is ideas just keep coming to me. For the cases some will be some of CSI: Miami, NCIS: LA, or I make them up. I'll try and make them as accurate as I can. Since I have a lot of ideas updates on other stories will lag a little but they will get updated although it will be slow. Hope you guys enjoy!

NCIS: LA The Lost Agent Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant