“So, roomie, isn’t this exciting?”

“I do have one concern though,” Amy said, her grin faltering.

“What is it?”

“I know we’re going to have a door to separate upstairs from downstairs so I can roam around upstairs without my hijab on. But say I wear my hijab and walk down, open the door and Yusuf’s about to leave for work and I see you two, you know, saying ‘bye’ to each other at the door, if you know what I mean?” She put air quotes around the word bye and gave a slight wink.

“I’m sure we have enough sense not to say ‘bye’ too each other at the door.” I copied her air quote gesture. “That can be done elsewhere.” I pointed towards the living room kitchen thing.

“Ooh I see the flame hasn’t died.” Amy nudged me playfully.

“Be quiet, Hamza might hear. I don’t want you to make inappropriate jokes in front of my brother.” I turned my back towards Amy so she couldn’t see my smile. Just then, my phone started ringing.

“My psychic abilities tell me that’s Yusuf,” Amy said, closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead as if she was using her ‘abilities’ to guess.

“And my motherly psychic abilities tell me one of my babies is crying.” I picked up the phone and sure enough, I heard a cry.

“Can you and Hamza come and pick us up now? Adam’s starting to scratch himself,” Yusuf said, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as he was.

“Sure. I’ll let Hamza know."

“Quickly please.” I put the phone down and called Hamza. Amy took a bus home while Hamza and I left in the car straight away and it only took five minutes to get to Yusuf’s mum’s house.

Yusuf was standing outside with Adam, rocking him from side to side in the cool air. The cold helped his skin feel less itchy. As soon as the car parked, I jumped out and ran to him. I took Adam in my arms, cuddling him and hoping to soothe his cries.

“It’s okay baby. I’m here now. I was only gone for twenty minutes.” I looked up at Yusuf. “Where’s Maria? And call Maryam out please.”

“Maryam! Come out with Maria.” Yusuf yelled inside. Maryam emerged with a happy looking Maria.

“Safia! Asalamu’alaykum.”

“Wa’alaykumsalaam. Yusuf, take the bottle of milk out of my bag. I think Adam’s hungry.”

“Come inside and feed him,” Yusuf said then there was an awkward pause.

“I’ll feed him in the car.”

“Let me go and ask mum. I’m sure she’ll agree that you can come inside.”

“But Hamza’s waiting…” He left before hearing what I had to say. “Oh dear.”

“Oh dear indeed. He remains so hopeful,” Maryam whispered sadly.

“Don’t be dramatic. Yes he’s hopeful that his mum would accept me, but even if she doesn’t, it could be worse. What if he had to choose between me and her? As in, choose to remain a son or a husband. Sadly there are people going through that and my heart cries out to them. Even though your mum and I don’t get on, at least Yusuf can be a son and a husband, right?”

“All that went right over my head because Adam was smiling at me,” Maryam said staring down at Adam who had cheered up.

“My epic wise speeches are wasted on you.”

“But he’s smiling at me. I think that counts as a valid excuse.” I was about to reply when Yusuf came out looking like a storm. He picked Maria up and demanded,

A Muslim's Romantic JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now