When He's Jealous

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"What were you thinking?!"
"Yuliy, please just calm down." You frowned, shoulders slumping in defeat from the males stubbornness.
"No! That man could have killed you! I can't believe you were with him-"
"He was just trying to sell something. I didn't want to be rude - besides! I'm not a Sirius like you, I can't smell vampires!"
He frowned deeply, too many things running through his head to find a proper come back. The vampire was definitely skilled in conning and disguise, for he'd even fooled a jaeger. You were right though, and Yuliy couldn't deny it, you couldn't smell vampires like him.
"Also, I can take care of myself. I would've handled it." You began, shrugging as you put on a confident smile.
Yuliy narrowed his eyes and you chuckled wearily, "Come on, don't tell me you're jealous of some measly vampire-"
"I am not! I am never leaving your side again." He hissed, walking over to the small table where his weapon laid, sitting down with a huff as he began to clean.
You sweat dropped, great...


"Get your hands off her, creep."
"Philip?" You began hastily, concerned at the harsh tone in his voice.
"Isn't it obvious that she's uncomfortable with you hitting on her?" The blonde didn't move his gaze away from the taller male and you stood helpless.
"Come on, dude, we were just talking. She looked fine to me."
"You know what, I don't care. Just leave."
He taller male snorted, "Okay, jeez." He put his hands up mockingly and walked off, and you ignored the steam coming out of Philip as he glared holes into the mans back.
You cleared your throat, "You're cute when your jealous." You smile sweetly, not really listening as Philip stuttered out his denial. You didn't really care, though, you just wanted him to calm down so you could continue your date without him having a tantrum.
"Come on Philip, lets just go." You widened your eyes slightly as you looked up to him, putting on a light pout he flinched when he met your eyes.
"Alright alright, lets go." You quickly agreed, taking your hand and pulling you to your next destination.


"You didn't have to kill him." You sighed, hands on your hips as you watched the vampire fade away.
"Doesn't matter, he's not needed anyways."
"Mikhail. Control your jealousy next time, okay? You ruined my skirt."
He smirked and you gave him a questioning glance. Slowly, he lifted your chin up with his fingers and leaned in close to your face, "We can go back to your place and I can help you change."
You stared blankly at him, doing your best to hold back your blush just to irk him a little.
"How about no." You managed to speak smoothly without a crack, and you silently congratulated yourself.
He frowned, "You're not human, are you?"
"I'm pretty sure I am." You shrugged.
He sighed heavily, "I'm still going to let you get a change of clothes."
"Escort me, then, but if I catch you staring you'll regret it."
"Yes, yes, I know."
You smirked as you walked up ahead of him, breathing a light laugh. Even though his actions were excessive for that vampire who was just flirting with you at the moment, you were glad to know that Mikhail would protect you from anything no matter what he had to do.


He cleared his throat, he didn't even have to glare or anything. He just smiled and the boy in front of you almost pissed his pants.
You looked behind you at your boyfriend, and blinked at how he was obviously uncomfortable with you being with another boy without him.
"Fallon! Meet my brother." You quickly said, wishing your brother had told you he was coming in advance instead of surprising you.
"Oh!" His demonic aura disappeared in an instant, but your brother still shook in his place, "Nice to meet ya!" He held out his large hand and your brother took it hesitantly.
"Nice to meet you, sir."
"Eric, this is my boyfriend Fallon." You introduced your brother, who shot you a horrifiedly shocked look, "He's wonderful, isn't he?"
"Y-yeah! He sure is amazing."
"Awe~ you guys, stop teasing me!"
"How about we all get to know each other at a near by cafe?!"


"Alex!" Dorothea smiled devilishly as she called out your exes name, throwing an arm around you as you swallowed hard in fear, "What are you doing here?"
"I just came in to say hello." Alex replied, doing their best to stay cool and not give a reaction to Dorothea's obvious venomous aura.
If Alex didn't vow to never come back and then leave, we might all end up dead. You thought, taking sudden interest in the book that lay on it's side on some dusty shelf.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Alex asked.
And we're dead.
"I just came to say hello to my beautiful boy/girl friend." Dorothea elbowed you in the side and you coughed, awkwardly trying to find words to speak.
"T-thank you, Dorothea!"
"What were you doing here again, Alex?" Dorothea asked, "I think you were just... leaving. Yeah, that's it. Bye!" She waved her hand and Alex frowned in annoyance, though she turned and left without a word.
"You know I was going to tell them to leave." You insisted when Dorothea finally relaxed and you knew you were safe.
"Doesn't matter. They shouldn't have even come in here in the first place." She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Alright, I'll make sure she never steps within five feet of me every again."
Dorothea smirked in victory, "Perfect!"


It was just another hunt, and it shouldn't have been a big deal to Yevgraf at all. Actually, you were surprised he even decided to watch. You went out on your own after telling him where you'd be, and found a muscular and fairly popular model to win over, and then feed off of later that night.
He fell easily into your little trap, as expected, and right when you neared the perfect spot, where you would easily take the upper hand and do what you really came here to do, he decided to take things a step further and kiss you first.
Yevgraf didn't like that.
"Honestly, my love, it lasted less than a second and now he's dead - so why are you still so upset?"
"No one, is allowed to touch you like that except me, understand?" He hissed, gripping onto his walker.
"Yes, my love." You frowned slightly, though it quickly turned into a devilish smile when you realized he was just being jealous, and it was highly amusing. You watched him fume as he stared at the rising sun a little longer, before standing up and walking slowly to his side.
"I wouldn't have anyone else but you, Yevgraf." You said gently, reassuring him.
He was silent, but you knew he was thankful for your words.


Willard was very discrete, but you knew when he wasn't happy about something. He would sit at his desk and a dark aura would surround him as he indulged himself into his work, and he wouldn't ever talk about what was on his mind unless someone forced it out of him.
"Willard. Stop being a child."
"I am not, being a child." He insisted, "If you want to spend time with someone, go spend time with Reginald."
You snorted, "Reginald?" Well, getting that out of him was easy, you thought, "Reginald has gone out on his mission now. I thought you two were friends? I was just saying goodbye and wishing him good luck. We've been on missions together before."
He sighed heavily, remaining silent as he continued to work.
"Willard, look at me already."
"I have to finish this."
"Hey." You placed your hands on the end of his desk, and he finally decided to look up at you, "Being jealous isn't that big problem, but ignoring me because of it like a high school boy is." You explained firmly, raising a brow at him as he looked to the side in shame of being caught, "Now why don't you put that pen down and come have dinner with me."
"Good. You know that Reginald prefers men, right? If he were ever to go after someone it would be you."
"Wait, what?"

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