
You screamed in delight as the large male lifted you up high off the ground and plopped you on his shoulder so you could see over the crowd, "Fallon! Give me a warning first!" You called down to him, and he tilted his head up to grin at you,
"Sorry, Y/N! Next time!"
You sighed, but smiled as you turned to the sight ahead, You said 'next time' the last time you picked me up and then threw me into the ocean. You thought.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?!" You giggled and agreed, gazing delicately at the bright sunset that the whole group had climbed a mountain to watch. Clouds lined the sky and the sun lit them up with colors of golden yellow, and an orange-pink color.
"Yeah, it's amazing." And I have the best view in the whole place.
Fallon carefully lifted you down when the colors began to fade away. He stood tall and mighty and stood almost a foot over you, but you didn't mind. He was the gentle giant of the Jaegers and you loved spending your time with him, especially when he would ask you to teach him something, like knitting.
That was the funniest day of your life, but a story for another day.
"Say... Y/N..." Fallon began, scratching the back of his head with an uneasy look in his eyes.
"Yes, Fallon? What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong." He insisted, "It's just I... I wanted to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight."
Your eyes widened and you felt yourself blush as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "Oh! Um, thank you." You coughed out, glancing back up to him as he blushed as well.
"And I also..." He trailed off and you swallowed hard, "I really like- no, how childish- I LOVE YOU, Y/N!"
"EH?!" You gasped as he yelled out to the skies his feelings for you, "Really?!"
"I DO!"
"WELL- I-I LOVE YOU TOO!" You yelled out as loud as you could, but it wasn't nearly as strong as Fallon's voice. Either way, the male grinned and bent down to wrap his strong arms around you, lifting your feet off the ground as he stood straight and laughed while you wheezed out that you could hardly breath.


"Wow you really did it this time." Dorothea sighed as she wrapped up your scrapped knee.
"I just slipped on my landing, no big deal." You shrugged, "It doesn't even hurt- OW!" You flinched as she pressed a cloth of rubbing alcohol on your wound, staring up at you with a devilish smile in her eyes that made you frown in annoyance.
"Yeah, whatever you say." She deadpanned, turning back to the first aid kit to grab the gauze. You absentmindedly stared at her as she wrapped your knee carefully to ensure that you healed without infection. Her long dark hair, the jeweled barrettes that held her bangs back. You loved the color of her skin and the color of her eyes and that (sometimes annoying but usually funny) sarcastic attitude.
"You know, you could take a picture if you love looking at me that much." She suddenly said, shocking you.
Your face burned, "I- I don't know what-what you're talking about." You stuttered out, swallowing hard and trying your hardest to make the heat in your face go away.
She laughed and you blinked, giving her a glance as she stood and leaned forward, placing a kiss on your cheek, "I like staring at you too, don't worry." She winked and you just about fainted, but with this new indirect information you couldn't keep your mouth shut anymore.
"D-Dorothea! Go out with me!"
"Sure thing!"


"Y/N, come with me."
You followed him without a word, ignoring the jealous gazes of the twins as the two of you walked off to a more private space. Yevgraf had been giving you more attention than usual these past few months, and you wondered if it was because of your increasing success in the missions he gave you or he'd just gotten bored of the last person he gave his attention to.
"Have I told you how pretty you are?" Yevgraf suddenly asked.
"Yes." You replied immediately, staring up at his back as he looked out the large window of his personal room.
"Well, you're not. You're beautiful." He turned from the window and met your eyes. You refrained from moving a muscle, not even blinking under his strong gaze.
"Thank you."
He frowned, stepping closer to you and searching your eyes for any kind of emotional response, "Do you not like it here? With me?"
You finally snapped out of it, your eyes going wide at the sight of true emotion in his own eyes. For a moment, you hesitated to reply, "N-no, I like it here."
"With me?" He asked again.
"With you." You nodded in reply, hoping he wouldn't get upset.
"You're not afraid of me?" He asked another question and you refrained from sighing as he took your chin in his fingers delicately, lifting your face to get a better look at it.
"I... I'm not afraid of you." You decided to answer truthfully, "I'm afraid of the man you sometimes become."
"I see." He let you go, turning away from you once more, "Y/N, I'll be honest with you since you have been honest with me. I want you at my right hand, when I get my hands on the Ark, and gain power strong enough to make the Vampire kingdom great again, I want you as my queen."
"And if I refuse?" You dared to ask.
He chuckled, "Would you like to refuse?"
You pondered the thought of it, refusing him and walking away. There was an odd feeling in the bottom of your stomach that told you that you might not live much longer, with or without the ark. When you looked into Yevgraf's kind eyes now, you smiled at the man you adored. This one, right here in front of you.
"No. I would like to accept."


"I'm very sorry to bother you, Y/N. You've been working hard all day." The Professor began at the door, gazing down at you as you set your pen down and looked up at him.
"Well, a lot has to be done, especially after that last mission. Headquarters is... strict."
"Trust me, I know. But there's something else I came to talk to you about."
You rose a brow, "Well, come in then. What's on your mind, Professor?" You asked, smiling lightly as he chuckled under his breath.
He shut the door behind him and took a step forward, "The particular thing I'm about to tell you has been on my mind for a while now, and I don't think I'll be able to sleep soundly unless I know that you know."
You looked to the side worriedly, moving your gaze back to him you rose a brow and waited for him to continue. Would he tell you he wanted you to go back to headquarters? You didn't want to go back so soon, you wanted to stay with him and his team as long as possible.
"Y/N. I love you."
Your eyes shut as you processed his words, before they popped open again in shock. You looked at him in slight confusion as he walked closer to you, around your desk and helping you stand up as he took your hands in his, "I'm not going to lie and say something as childish as 'I like you', for it's more than that. I love you, Y/N, and I want you to be by my side."
"Oh, Willard." You smiled, squeezing his hands in your own, "I love you too."

Sirius The Jaeger Scenarios & One Shots - a 1215 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now