two of the mist

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In the land hidden in the mist, there was a long-standing tradition of holding a graduation exam to accept new requits into their shinobi ranks. You had to be absolutely certain you would qualify before entering. If you entered you would have to battle one of your classmates till the death. Only then you would be accepted as a genin of the hidden mist.

It was in one of these graduation exams that two siblings were put to fight each other. These were no ordinary siblings, they were twins. And twins from one of the ancient clans who lived on the outskirts of the city. They were feared for their ability. The devil's eye it is called. All clan members are born with red glowing eyes. Their eyes are known for paralyzing their victims by a mere look in the eyes.

The twins were a special pair in their clan. There was never more than one kid in this family who inherited the clan ability. Yet in this case, they both had one eye with their clan's characteristics instead of one of them possessing two devils eyes.

The twins grew up very close to one other. They were devastated when they heard they would have to fight each other. The clan took it as a personal insult against their clan. As all high standing officials would be gathering at the graduation exam they showed what came to those who would dare to insult their clan. The family went down into the stadium when it was the twins turn to fight and they paralyzed most of the skilled shinobi present and then proceeded to slaughter all humans present in the stadium and left the village for good.

In wake of their disappearance, the village hidden in the mist outlawed any and all bloodline abilities from their city. Resulting in the civil war still ongoing today.

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