I looked at her in complete disgust. "Unlike you, I don't lie Natasha. Not for any reason have I lied..." Except for when I told lyubov' moya that I didn't love her and when she and I had to lie on the stand about the lust charm. Those are the only times that I have ever lied, at least as far as my memory goes. (my love)

But, if I could go back in time, the only changes that I would make concerning lying. Would be lying to my Roza about the way that I have always felt about her.

"And my testimony will be nothing but the truth."

"Former Lady Ozera, don't make me have to have you gagged for the remainder of this trial." Hans warned her.


I watched as a furious Dimitri took the stand and was sworn in by Hans Croft. And then the questions started.

"Your majesty, would you please tell us about the first time that you remember the defendant touching or trying to touch you in an inappropriate manner? And how old you were."

"I was eight years old."

"Can you recall what happened?"

"Very clearly unfortunately."

"Please tell us what happened."

"Well, as I said I was eight years old and the former Lady Natasha Ozera had started accompanying my oldest sister, Karolina, home from school each weekend."

"Why would Ms. Ozera accompany your sister to your home?"

"My sister thought that they were friends."

"Ahhh, I see. So, the former Lady Natasha Ozera, was using her relationship with your sister to gain access to you?"

"I don't know if that was her initial intent or not. But it soon became quite apparent to me that that had become her true motive for her continued visits."

"And how did this become apparent to you?"

"Ms. Ozera had been coming home with my sister for a few weeks before she first made inappropriate comments, innuendos and touching of me."

"Can you tell us what happened the first time?"

"It was the third weekend that she had accompanied my sister to our home. And we were all three; my sister Karolina, myself and the former Lady Natasha Ozera. Were all sitting out on the back porch of my childhood home watching the birds flit around. My sister got up to go back into the house to get something to drink and when she did Ms. Ozera got in the porch swing with me. She sat down close enough to me to where her leg was pressing very tightly up against my own. The longer my sister stayed in the house the closer Ms. Ozera moved to me. She put her hand very high up on my thigh and started rubbing up and down my leg, she then stood up and moved to sit herself down in my lap. But before she could sit all the way down, well, thankfully that is when my big sister opened our back door. When that happened Ms. Ozera quickly got back to where she was sitting when my sister went into the house."

"Did you try to discourage Ms. Ozera's inappropriate actions in any way?"

"I most certainly did."

"May I ask how you tried to discourage her?"

"Every time that she would move closer to me I would move further and further away from her. I did this until I was uncomfortably pushed up against the side of the swing."

"I understand your majesty. Is that all that happened that weekend?"

"Thankfully, yes."

"How long after that was it before she touched you in a sexual way?"

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