Chapter 25- The End

Start from the beginning

“Big brudder, now we have more girls than boys. You better run!” she said as they both came running at me so I figured I should play along so I ran from them with the both of them laughing.

“He is being a scaredy-cat Riri. This is fun he never be scared of me. Now I have a big sister we can tickle him until he says uncly,” Eli said loud enough I could hear her. She and Ria walked by the room I was in so I jumped out causing both of them to scream and try to run away. I caught one of them in each arm and threw them playfully on the couch and began to tickle both of them.

“Dom, this was the best night I have ever had. I was so afraid you were going to deny us being together and then when you admitted it I was scared out of my mind what your parents would say. I know not everyone would approve of how we got together but I-I love you Dom,” Ria said as we were driving back home. I pulled the car over to the side of the road. Pulling Ria onto my lap I kissed her like mad. When we both had to pull out of the kiss for a breath I held her to me and I knew she could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

“Feel that? That heart beats only for you. While I would like for my parents to approve it’s not needed. No one will ever take me away from you. There’s only one person that could cause me to leave you. You, if you ever decide you don’t want me or you want more than I have to offer I will let you go,” I told her truthfully. Although, I would always be watching and waiting for her to need me again. If that sounds like a stalker then so be it. I will always protect her from everything.

“Oh Dom,” she said as she smashed her lips to mine.

“Um did yall forget that I still exist?” Tom said from the backseat. Shit! I did forget he was back there. Ria pulled away from me with a deep blush on her face, which caused me to groan out loud.

“Just wishful thinking,” I told him and Ria smacked my arm. I laughed out loud.

“Dommie boy I know you don’t mean that,” Tom said all pouting like a child.

“Tom I will only say this once so listen up. You are a huge pain in my ass. You always say inappropriate things at just the wrong time. I owe you an ass beating; don’t even make a crude comment about it either. But I owe you big time man. Without you Ria would’ve never have been mine. That is the only time you will hear a mention of gratitude from me. Now straighten yourself up and stop being a child,” I said sternly. He was smiling like an idiot just like I knew he would.

We dropped Tom off and I drove Ria to her house. Sal was waiting for us at the front door. I had called him back at my parent’s house and asked him to come stay with Ria. He was reluctant but after I told him why he relented.

“Sal!” Ria shouted as she jumped out of the car. She attacked him with a hug and then was barraging him with how his family was doing. She was asking specific questions about his kids. How could I ever think the things I did when I met her? Even from the time that I handcuffed her at the party the first night I wanted her and I hated her because I wanted her so bad. How could I not see how great she was?

2 years later:

“Babe I’m home,” Ria said as I shut the stove off and went to meet her at the door. She is now 6 months pregnant with our first baby. Looking at her in her business suit with her belly starting to show she looked sexier than I ever have seen her. I still remember the night I asked her to marry me. Sal came over to her house to keep an eye on her for me so I could go get a ring to propose. It wasn’t easy to find a jeweler that was still open at 7p.m. but I finally found one in the mall. I found the ring I thought she would love it was simple but exquisitely beautiful. I picked up a bouquet of tiger lilies and went back to my apartment to shower and change. I dressed in black dress trousers and a white tux shirt with the black jacket over the shirt. I put one of the tiger lilies in my jacket pocket.

My palms were sweating like crazy by the time I got to the door and rang the bell. Cliff answered the door and looked at me like I had two heads. He raised an eyebrow.

“I know you are not Ria’ father but I would like your permission to ask for her hand. I will marry her either way but it would mean a lot to have your blessing,” I said with all the confidence that I did not feel.

“Well boy I would say it’s about time,” he said chuckling relieving my nervousness, well a little of it. He let me in and I made my way to her room. She was coming out of the bathroom door with her yoga pants and tight tank top on without a speck of make-up. Mm just how I love her. She looked at me with confusion.

“Dom wh-,” I cut her off by leaning down on one knee and handing her the flowers. She took them but still look confused until I started talking as I pulled the ring box out of my jacket.

“Ria, we got off to a rough beginning. But I knew I wanted you from the moment I hand cuffed you at that party. Fate decided to put us together time after time. Giving me chances I didn’t deserve. I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?” I asked and the waiting was painful as I watched tears roll onto her cheek.

“No,” she said simply. “I was the one that didn’t deserve you. And yes I will marry you and I love you Dom with everything in me,” she said finally causing my heart to start beating once again.

After another 6 months the Devil’s gang went down and what few stragglers were left that didn’t go to prison funneled into other gangs. My Ria was safe and she didn’t even have to testify against any of them.

*back to the present*

As she sat her suitcase down I gave her a kiss that was full of the longing I had to take her upstairs and make love to her. After kissing her lips I bent down and kissed her belly. “I love you little man,” I said to her belly.

“You mean little girl,” she said with certainty.

“No way woman I am so much man I could only produce men!” I said causing her to laugh.

“Really now, that’s not what the doctor said when I met with him this afternoon,” she said laughing.

“Why didn’t you tell me you had an appointment?” I asked her. She knows I hate to miss one of her doctor appointments.

“Honey you had that meeting with the director of the FBI today and I wasn’t about to let you miss that,” she said. She is truly the best woman on this earth. The FBI wanted me to come in as a consultant because I told them I was a family man now and I would no longer take assignments that endangered me or my family. So they decided to just let me become a consultant. I am home every day before Ria, she works as a CEO of her charity called Kids with Hope. They help kids who have lost their families and are alone like my Ria was.

As we sat down to dinner that night Ria said, “It’s almost the end of May. It should be about time for our visitor,” she said smiling. Eli comes and stays every summer with us here at the lake house. Ria and I bought a lake and built our house on it. It is in the middle of nowhere. It is so peaceful just us out here. Eli loves coming here every chance she gets. Her and Ria are still the best of friends. Speaking of best friends Tom finally met his match in Charles Mayson. Charles is the sensible one, the calm one. We hang out while Tom and Ria hang out.

It’s funny when I think back I thought my heaven would be Ria waiting for me to come home and greet me with a kiss but she turned that around on me but it is heaven. Heaven on earth.

When I lost my best friend Raffe in high school I thought my heart would always be set on revenge but slowly I got it back. And it started with Ria.


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