"You remember when I told the press, I'd prove to them that this was all a set up? That you didn't kiss your ex?" Minela nodded.

"Well, I was able to track the photographer and we're definitely suing him for publishing fake news of course...but we found out something quite astounding after we...." Ariven paused. After we tortured him.... but Ariven couldn't tell her that, "after an inquiry, we found that someone paid him to take the pictures."

"Who is it?"

"You might not believe me." Ariven warned her, " The person is non other than..."

"Than...?" Minela persisted.

"Than your ex." He muttered.

"Zayan? Why would he- no he wouldn't. I don't think he did it." She said confidently. Zayan loved her, he wouldn't do that. He had told her before that he only wanted her happiness.

"Of course you are not going to believe me over your lover. Why did I even tell you that?"

"I no longer love him." She was telling the truth. Zayan was a friend to her and he always would be. She never met him or contacted him after the scandal so she didn't know why he suddenly kissed her. She thought he moved on?

"I believe you, Ariven. I know you wouldn't lie to me over such a thing but are you sure he did that? Maybe the person was trying to frame Zayan."

"Oh right...your Zayan is some prominent billionaire which anybody would like to target. This is why he was framed right?" He said sarcastically, "Who even is Zayan? Nobody fucking knows him! How else would the man know that son of a bitch's name?"

"Maybe I should meet him?" Minela suggested dumbly, making Ariven clench his fist in anger.

"Do whatever you want." He just said, trying his best not to sound annoyed.

"Ariven, please. I need to speak to him. Just one last time. I never spoke to him aft-"

"I don't know if you heard me. I said you can meet him. In fact, what makes you think you need my permission for anything. Do whatever you want." He said bluntly, silently wishing that she would not go.

"Okay, I'll meet him this afternoon. "

"You're going to have to take the guards with you, I don't trust that motherfucker. "

"No guard is coming with me. I need to see him alone. You say you trust me but you don't act like you do!"

"What does trust have anything to do with your securit-"

"It has! You think I'm stupid? I know you'll use the guards as excuses to keep track of all my actions!" She was angry. This made Ariven angry. How dare she accuse him of something like that when he was only thinking about her security! Unless... This made Ariven suspicious. Was she hiding something? No, don't get your mind there, Ariven. You're supposed to trust her. She's making your job so difficult right now!

"Okay. If you don't my guards to follow you around, why don't you look one for yourself? I only want your securit-"

"I don't need one! Which part of my sentence did you not understand? " She was beginning to feel frustrated. Why was he so intent on getting bodyguards for her ! Did he not trust her? She'd die before doing anything to hurt him. Why couldn't he understand?

"Okay. " Ariven said, leaving the room immediately. His driver quickly got his car and within seconds he had already left, without saying goodbye. Minela looked at his car going, dumbfounded. What was that?


"Okay...well...this is so awkward. " Zayan said after a few minutes of silence and them looking at each other. Minela avoided his gaze.

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