No Exit // Part Three

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Once Jughead and I woke up, a pizza was ordered as my boyfriend sent out an announcement for a Serpent meeting that night

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Once Jughead and I woke up, a pizza was ordered as my boyfriend sent out an announcement for a Serpent meeting that night. We sat around the kitchen table, various plates and napkins spread around us as we dug into the delicious circle of grease.

"What are you going to say?" I asked as I took a bite out of my crust.

Jughead looked up as he finished his fourth piece. "To Cheryl?"

"And Toni," I added. I shoved my half-eaten crust on the plate and pushed it away, suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of nausea. This was serious, more serious than a stupid egg that Veronica wanted back. "Like this is going to ruin them, especially Toni."

Jughead shrugged as he twisted a napkin in his hands. "I have to do this, Sav. It's my job."

"And who's to say they don't find out about Fangs somewhere down the road and hold that above you?" I retaliated. I didn't want to lose Cheryl and Toni as friends. They had helped me through a lot, and they were two people I trusted wholeheartedly out of the Serpent group.

He was silent for a moment as he thought through his decision. "That's a possibility," He began as he sorted through his hair with his hands. "There's a lot of things that could go wrong, but I'm gonna have to handle that when it gets there."

As if he was sensing my concern, he got to his feet and came to stand behind me, his hands rubbing my shoulders before he kissed my head. "If Toni and Cheryl give you a hard time over this, then they can come talk to me."

"Don't fight my battles," I mumbled as I tilted my head against the back of the chair to look up at him. He gave me a guilty smile before kissing my forehead again and walking towards the door. I groaned quietly before standing up and sliding my jacket on, following him outside. A few stragglers had started to gather by the campfire. Soon enough, the whole group had gathered at the scheduled time and drinks were passed around in celebration.

"Serpents!" Jughead began as he stepped to the middle of everyone's attention. I was perched on the armrest of the recliner with Betty's arm on my shoulder as she leaned against me. "I brokered a deal. I got us a paid gig. From here on out, we'll be working security detail for Veronica Lodge, her speakeasy, and her employees."

Cheering followed Jughead's announcements. A pit settled in my stomach as I realized what was around the corner. With a stern look on his face, my boyfriend quickly called for everyone to settle down. "I know it's good news for a change, but I also gathered us here for less celebratory reasons. Cheryl, Toni, come up here."

"Excuse me?" Cheryl was completely caught off guard. "What did we do?"

Jughead pulled his lip in between his teeth before explaining, "You broke into the Lodge apartment and stole a Glamourge egg."

Cheryl's eyes landed on me with a sharp glare before she got to her feet. "So what if we did?"

"Well more than that, you left your calling card, attaching yourself, and by extension, all of the Serpents to your crime," Jughead argued.

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