Tips for a beginner witch

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You don't need someone else to make you a witch. How do you become a witch? The simple answer is that you decide to become a witch, and bam! There you are.

Start small. Start small with materials. Learn what herbs mean what. Don't let lack of experience or things stop you from working magick. You just need yourself.

Find your community. I don't necessarily mean looking for a coven. I would suggest not looking for a coven until you have practiced enough to be sure of your path. Some do their best practicing on their own. Tumblr and Witches Amino are good places. You can find other witches there.

You don't need a lot of stuff. You just need yourself. That's it.

Book Of Shadows. You might want to get a BOS, Book Of Shadows, when you first start out. It is basically a notebook that you record what you have learned. It can be messy, neat, disorganized, whatever. It's yours. It's your choice. You can put whatever you want to put in their. It doesn't have to be perfect.

It's okay if your beliefs change. It's completely fine and normal for your beliefs to change.

You don't need to know everything. No one knows everything. Witchcraft is a path of learning and growing as a witch. You learn as you do. You learn on your path.

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