What happened Bubba

Start from the beginning

Louis started getting sick around 2 months after their marriage. He wasn't paying any mind to it as being around patients who were sick had its downsides. What he didn't expect was to almost faint on his job and being forced to go to the doctor.

"You're pregnant Dr. Styles! Congratulations!" Louis' world was spinning! He was so excited and the first thing he did was call his best friend.
"Ello loueh"
"Yes loubear"
"Come meet me in the common room!! I have news" Louis said as he hung up without waiting for Zayn's reply.

As they met up in the common room for hospital staff, Louis tightly hugged Zayn and started sniffling! "What happened boobear?" Zayn asked.

"Guess" Louis sniffled and smiled looking a worried Zayn.

"You're pregnant" zayn said and started laughing. It was an inside joke that they shared as friend. That somehow every scare or surprise boiled down to that even though they are virgins or in Louis' case was. Liam and zayn has decided to wait for marriage. Not that they were against anything but instead as a thrill.

This time though all Louis did was nod his head yes. Shocking zayn into silence that lasted what felt like hours to Louis.

"OH MY FUC" Louis rushed to cover Zayn's mouth with his tiny hands! Zayn eyes bulged out when he looked around that other doctors and nurses were looking at them. "I am gonna be an uncle?" He asked more quietly this time. Louis nodded his head once more, shyly. "What are you being shy for now" Zayn smirked at Louis, resulting in Louis hitting him on the forehead and his cackling; happy for his best friend! He couldn't wait till him and Liam would have little ones of their one.

"Zaynie boo?" Louis questioned. "Will you help me prepare for something so I can tell Hazzie?" Louis asked.

"Of course babe! Just you wait he is going to be so excited! He loves babies! I have seen him look at babies in the nursery several times!" Zayn squealed.

"Yes!! I am sure he will be... I will just tell him in a month when I go for my ultrasound" Louis said.

Present day
Liam and zayn came into the hospital and the first thing he saw he Anne trying to calm a screaming Louis.

Zayn rushed and gave Anne and sympathetic look. Moving forward to take a sad screaming Louis into his arms. Louis was in hysterics! Eyes filled with tears and hair in every which way. Zayn gently placed his hand on Louis' head and cradled him like a baby. "Calm down boobear... this is not good for the baby" Zayn gently whispered so only Louis heard him. That got Louis' attention and he started to rock himself and zayn back and forth.

Passerby's looked at the best friends with pity. Anne sniffled into Liam's arms Trisha right behind them. Niall standing near Louis and zayn with a bottle of water for Louis to help him breathe.

All their families were anxiously waiting for the emergency doctors to give them a report on Harry's situation.

As the doctors came out of the room. Everyone stood up and came forward. "Styles" the doctor semi yelled into the waiting room.

"Yes" Liam responded. "How is he?"
"He is stable! Thankfully there was no brain damage and just minor fractures in the right shoulder and arm" the doctor explained calmly. "You'll be able to see him within an hour as his pain medication wears off"the doctor said and moved on to the next emergency.

Zayn gasped as he saw Louis go limp in his arms. Everyone turned to them and zayn gave panicked look towards Liam.

"DOCTOR" Liam yelled and Louis was instantly carried into an emergency room and as the nurses and a fellow resident doctor asked questions.

"Any specific allergies?" The doctor asked the family near by.

"He's pregnant!" Zayn yelled getting everyone's attention as the hospital staff walked away with Louis into an emergency room.

Anne smiled through her tears and Jay squealed with happiness through her panicked state.

Soon the doctors walked out of Louis' room informing everyone that he had just passed out due to exhaustion.

As jay and Anne both sat at each side of Louis bed they smiled and pet Louis head. In the corner of the room Liam sat on a chair with zayn on his lap, exhausted almost asleep

 In the corner of the room Liam sat on a chair with zayn on his lap, exhausted almost asleep

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"Go to sleep my jaan... it's okay I will take you home" he whispered soothing while running his fingers through Zayn's hair.

Even though it had been a stressful night for everyone... zayn knew everything would turn out okay.


A/N you guys are so nice! Thanks for reading! This update is for people who commented on the last chapter! All the love 🐸

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