Soothing Slumber

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Hello... yeah, still not dead yet.... so onto the story!

I never wanted to relive this again, but he needs to know.

"Before you say anything. Yes, I know it sounds crule, but If it changed the fact that we would never meet or fall for each other... I would do it all over again, losing my mom and Bianca and everyone else, just to sit here with you knowing that you love me." I took a deep breath and continued.

"My mother's name was Maria di Angelo; she was beautiful. Bianca looked so much like her. Zeus killed my mother, struck her down for having me and my sister... He was initially trying to kill us not my mother, and Hades tried to spare her life as well, but he had only managed to get the shield around Bianca and me when the lightning bolt hit the house. After that we went to the casino in Vagas." I repressed a shudder and moved on, clenching my fists as my thoughts went to my late sister.

"Neeks you don't have to say anything else. Percy told me about what happened to your sister. He was so worried when you ran away, and I was the shoulder he had to cry on, so to speak, at the time. Ok, I admit it I practically forced him to tell me, but I understood both aspects." He watched me, gauging my reaction as I took in the new information provided to me. 'Percy was worried? He never said anything, but then again I wouldn't either if he treated me like I treated him...' I took a breath and held his hand tighter, nodding in understanding.

Emma chose that moment to pop up to ask for our order and disappeared into the kitchen right after.

"You forced Percy? I don't even want to know how you did that..." He gave a small smile accompanied by a chuckle. " But on to a better topic... You told them about me?" He looked to the side, avoiding my eyes as he spoke.

"Yeah, I guess we do funny things when in love." He laughed as Emma showed up once again with fresh drinks.

The evening rushed by and we were oblivious to the world around us as we were so focused on each other. When it was time for the restaurant to close, Emma sent us on our way with a big hug and a 'come back soon, so he can meet the rest of the family'. We stopped off at a small icecream parlor, then made our way to central park. Soon, to soon, it was time for us to make our way back to camp. He let me shadow travel again, surprisingly. When we exited the shadows, we were standing in my cabin next to the door.

He faced me, tracing my jaw with his fingers as he leaned in, watching my lips. I matched the desire and passion of the kiss with fervor, as it picked up pace. He gabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me with supprising ease, carrying me twards my bed and setting down with me facing him on his lap. Things were heating up, 1 shower with a continuous makeout later, we were falling asleep cuddled together. This was going to be a new routine, I could feel it.

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