Hot to Hotter

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Sorry about not posting for awhile. I had so much crap to do. Anyways, enjoy!😉


**Nico POV**

What the Hades is Kodi thinking??? Thats all that went through my mind when she drug me away from the others, more specifically: Will.

-----------------------------------------time skip to Will picking Nico up!! ------------------------------------------


I still can't believe Kodi... Rushing off with my boyfriend like that.

You don't even know if he actually likes you like that, so stop itI stopped my mental boggling before it could get out of control. After all, he did agree to go on the date and... He must be into me, I mean yesterday morning wouldn't have happened otherwise.

I knocked on the Hades cabin door and awaited my answer. The door cracked open to reveal Kodi.

"Your still here??" She looked, quite frankly, like hell.

"Yeah, no. I came back over here because he was having an anxiety attack." She sounded like hell, too.

"You ok?" I look out for all of my siblings, especially after what happened to Michael.

"I don't know. He was worrying about the date, saying he had nothing to wear after I pick him something out. So I drug his sorry ass over to Piper and told her 'mall now, code red'. It has been a long day. He is all yours." She slipped passed me and headded to our cabin.

I slipped into the cabin to find Nico with his back to me, looking in the mirror. He has always been hot in all capital letters but he was completely gorgeous now.

He was sporting a new haircut that suited him well,  shaved sides with slight length on top with frosted sunset tips. He was wearing new black skinny jeans with black Van's and a yellow and orange shirt, and a newly pierced ear with a sword earing dangling down.

I could hardly breath, and when I could I coughed startling him.

"What the hell, Will?!  Don't fucking scare me like that!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to. Just... Damn... "

"What? You don't like it, do you?"

"What?!? You were hot before but now... No words, there are no words at how gorgeous you are." His eyes were wide and he was as red as a tomato.

"Let's just go, already... " He was so adorable when he pouted.

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