Will's Troubled Past

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I know 'oh my god, two chapters in less than a month' but I am trying... so here is a longer chapter for you guys!

                           -Kodi 💖

As I was taking in my surroundings I could feel  Will's eyes on me. Risking a peek, I looked at him from the cornier of my eye. He was drinking in my new image with awe and love clearly writen on his face. He had yet to notice me watching him, so I took the chance to appreciate his appearance.

His dirty blond hair was combed  but still held the 'surfer dude' look that I had come to love on him. He opted to dress up in a blood red button up, dark skinny jeans, and converse; rather than his usual camp shirt and shorts.

He looked as amazing as ever, but still thought so little of himself. I could see in his eyes when he had complimented me back at my cabin, and could see it now, that he felt that I was to good for him or that he was not good enough for me. When in all actuality... it was the other way around. He saved lives in the infirmary practically daily, while I was the one who put them in the there in the first place... or sent them packing to my father.... He noticed my gaze finally and spoke.

"I thought you would like to see a bit of my past, so I brought you here. I know it's fucking ironic that its an italian dive, but its a big part of the reason we even met in the first place. If it weren't for Emma and her family, I probably wouldn't have made it to camp. I wouldn't even be alive." He paused gauging my reaction. I took his hand and motioned for him to continue.

"Mark is Emma's older brother, he's the one who found me after the cutting got really bad. He brought me to Isabella, his mother, to help patch me up. She insisted helping give me a better chance. I felt that I could not only trust her, but talk to her and tell her everything. They helped get my mom away from my stepdad, devorce and all...." He seemed to lose himself in the memory but continued to explain.

"He was pissed to say the least. She went out earlier one morning to get supplies for the restaurant, about 3 months after thier devorce happened. He caught her by supprise..." He choked up a bit and I could tell that the story was not only coming to a close, but that it wouldn't be a happy ending.

"When it was almost noon and she still hadn't come back me and the other kids went out to look for her, while Isabella and her husband, Matteo, called their friends to ask around. The twins are the ones who found her mangled and broken in an ally a few blocks from here. They thought of her as an aunt... It scarred them, and they still have nightmares about it. They are 2 years younger than Mark, and a year younger than Emma." His voice, by the time he was finished, was a broken wisper, barely audable over the older men joking in italian. My eyes began to water as the image began to drown me adding in my own memories of my own mother way back in , Maria di Angelo.

Looking around I took notic of Emma almost immediately watching Will with worry, pain, and familial love. I would have to meet the rest of her family and think of a way to ahow my graditude for what they have done for him.

As I looked back to Will, I caught what the elder men next to us were talking about. They were joking about how they were both in the mafia back in the old days; but didn't know they were so close yet so far from knowing eachother existed. I was not mentioning that to Will...

"I have no words to express my gaditude for Emma's family. But I honestly wouldnt change anything, if it ment that I wouldn't be sitting here with you right now." His head snapped up to look at me through pain filled eyes, but I continued before he could get a word in. It looks like I'm gonna have to bring up things that I never wanted to talk about  again.

My past...

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