Old Friends, New Faces

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Yes I'm still alive and I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever... 😅

A cute italian girl with blue eyes and brown hair came walking towards us.

"Will, is that you?" Her hunny like voice took a motherly tone.

"Yeah.... Its me. I know its been a while but I'll always wonder back." His smile seemed to come easy. "How are you Emma?"

She smiled at him as she grabbed a few menues, and signaling us to follow her.

"I'm great! Ahh its been soo long since you came by! We all miss you! The twins are off to college, mark is in pre med school, and I own and run this place now. ... Momma finally passed on-" Her sentence cut off with a pained expesion. "But awnyway~. Who is the cutie behind you by the way?"

I blushed and grabbed Will's hand, shyly smiling at this Emma girl.

"The name is Nico di Angelo, ma'am." She looked at me closer, smile widening as we reached a secluded table neer the kitchen.

"He speaks! Hehaha! Im Emma Torrino, how do you know Will?" Her voice took on a loving, sisterly tone. Her face soon adopted a knowing expression as she looked between my blush and our entwined hands.

"We're dating Em... This is our first date actually." Will's voice shook with what i assumed to be nervousness.

"Oh! This is the boy you always talk about when you visit? I'm so glad I finnally get to meet you!" She gushed rushing to pull me in a hug after setting the menues on the table.

"All good I hope..." My voice was soaked in shyness and wonder.

"He never stopped talking about you. Its been a little over a year scince he visited and I was starting to get worried, but then you go and show up." She gave a shrug of he shoulders and shifted her hair behind her shoulder before continuing. "Well im going to get out of you hair for now, enjoy; if you need anything just ask."

As she walked away, Will pulled out my chair for me. Once we were both seated and had a menue for ourselves, I looked around the small Italian dive we were seated in.

I drank in the familiar smells that radiated from the kitchen and the sound of my native tongue being spoke off to the far left of us. The faiding red of the brick walls made the place seem like it was placed in an allyway in Itally. A slice of home. I understood why he broght me here now. Not only the people feel like family, but the atmosphere made it easy to belive that this was home.

Solangalo (On Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora