Rowan aimed a punch, but I deflected it with a grin. We began to circle each other, analyzing the others every move. Rowan kicked out and made me fall, but I grabbed at him and made him fall with me. We both got up in record time, getting ready to attack again.

It went on like that for a while, before we were both drenched in sweat and Rowan finally called it quits. "You're still going to lose, but at least now it won't be embarrassing to watch."

"Ha," I muttered, jumping down from the ring and grabbing the water I placed on the ground. I downed it as Bruce came up and rubbed against my leg.

"You have two hours before it starts. You should probably go freshen up beforehand. You stink," Rowan informed me, scrunching up his nose for emphasis.

I rolled my eyes but nodded, following Bruce out of the room. It's the work out room in the mansion itself, so it wasn't hard to find my way back to my room. Once in there, I grabbed a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I threw my hair up and took a quick body shower. God knows I'm going to shower again after the fights, so there is no point in thoroughly washing up. I was out in minutes, quickly drying myself off and throwing on the clothes I grabbed. I took my hair out of the bun and brushed it out before throwing it back up into a ponytail.

Bruce and I walked back to my room quickly. We both plopped onto my bed and I turned the tv on. Once it turned on, I startled. I haven't watched tv in so long. I eagerly flipped through the channels until I stumbled upon my favorite show of all time. Friends.

Bruce and I watched a few episodes before there was a knock on my door. Aiden didn't even bother to wait a second before he came into my room. "I hear Friends!"

I laughed as he ran and jumped onto my bed, practically landing on top of Bruce and I. "Screw the fight. This is so much better."

I playfully shoved him and rolled my eyes. "We can watch Friends any time."

"I guess," Aiden sighed dramatically.

I laughed and shook my head at him.

"You're going to have to either leave Bruce here or tell him to stay a tattoo. Otherwise he's going to kill whoever you fight."

Bruce perked up at his words, tilting his head in our direction. I bit my lip, trying to decide what I wanted to do. I think I will feel too weird without him with me. It's only been a day and I'm already so attached.

"Hey buddy, you wanna be a tattoo?"

Bruce yipped, rubbing his body against my arm. As he did, he slowly started to shrink and disfigure, until he was back on my shoulder as a tattoo. It was such a weird site to see.

"You ready," Aiden questioned me.

I shrugged. "I mean I guess."

Aiden nodded and led us out of the room. We got down and outside fairly quickly. He handed me a helmet before placing one on his own head and hopping onto the bike. I hopped on after him, and we zoomed away.

It wasn't long before Aiden was pulling into a warehouse, parking his bike amongst hundreds of other cars. I raised my eyebrows. This place is going to be more packed than I first thought. Aiden led us through a back door and down a flight of stairs. Before we even got half way down, you could hear the roaring noise of the people down below.

"You sure you're ready for this," Aiden questioned.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I laughed.

Aiden nodded and opened the door. The sheer chaos of the room shocked me. The room was filled with bleachers along every wall. Hundreds of people filled the stands, buckets of cash being passed around amongst them. They must be making bets.

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