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jaren sits in his room, trying to comprehend everything that has happened to him recently. john and him had recently started texting each other, and the amount of pictures that jaren had on his phone increased everyday. most of his camera roll is just john's face now.

jaren also knows that evan's date with jon was a success. apparently they also had their first kiss after that date.

jaren wishes he had something like that.

he has never really thought of being with someone, but seeing his new friends falling in love with each other made him want to find someone.

yet, he's just a broken boy with many ripped up parts. no one could love someone like that, especially his family and friends. he knows deep down that all those people who say they love him are really just putting up a front. but with john, he doesn't care about what his brain says.

god damb, those eyes.

john's eyes are the only things in the world that make jaren feel safe now, and like he isn't just an outcast in society. he's glad john is his friend now. the boy is awfully protective of jaren, and he kind of wishes that john would just let him go for once.

"honey, can you come downstairs for a second?" jaren's mom yells, snapping the boy out of his thoughts and making him come down the stairs. he almost trips on the last step, but manages to keep upright.

"hey mom," jaren peeks his head into the kitchen, and his mom gives him a small smile. her brown hair bounces on her shoulders as she walks over to his son, pushing him to the front door.

"your friend's here," she says, opening the big brown door up to reveal a sandy blonde boy playing with the hem of his shirt. the boy looks up towards jaren, and a smile appears on his face.

"john," jaren sighs, wrapping his arms around the boy softly. john does the same, smiling at the boy in his arms. he makes eye contact with jaren's mom, who only gives him a small knowing look.

"well, you boys have fun," jaren's mom, amber, says, making her way back into the house.


jaren kicks the rocks on the sidewalk, a comfortable silence falling between the two boys. the wind rustles the tree leaves, and the brown hues fall around jaren. john can't help but shoot a few glances at the other boy, who's admiring the nature around him.

john looks at the ground, seeing a blue hint of something sticking out of the grass. he stops for a second, causing jaren to look at the other boy for a second. john immediately recognizes the flower as the one in jaren's painting.


john picks up the small flower, turning towards jaren with a small smile glued on his face. he can see the excitement in the smaller boy's eyes as he places the flower behind the boy's ear. jaren catches john's eyes with his own, leaning in to hug the other boy.

arms wrap around each other in a loving embrace, and john can feel the flower rub against his own soft skin. he knows that he'll miss this when they graduate from high school.

they pull away from each other, making eye contact.

"hi," jaren softly whispers, fixing the flower behind his ear that was beginning to fall out.  john chuckles, pulling away from the other boy with a light grin.

"hi flower boy," john responds back, continuing the walk to the park. jaren quickly catches up with the other boy.

hands brush against each other softly as they walk along the sidewalk side by side. a sudden spike of courage comes to jaren, and he quickly reaches over to grab onto the other boy's hand.

john looks down, and then looks at jaren's face. the boy stares off at the trees around him nervously, and john gives his hand a little squeeze before intertwining their fingers.

they finally make it to the park, never releasing each other's hands.

"john, why are we at a park? we're too old for this kind of setting," jaren states, looking at all the small kids who are playing around. a soft, reminiscent feel settles around the two boys, and john wraps his hands around the boy in front of him.

"jaren, you're never going to be too old for a park. think of it like disneyland," john chuckles, letting go of the boy in front of him and grabbing onto the other boy's hand. he starts pulling him towards the swing, and makes him sit down in the seat.

"i'll push you, flower boy," john whispers, pushing the smaller boy on the swing with a small amount of force. jaren's chestnut brown hair falls into his eyes and john longs to push it away from his face like he always does.

"john, i'm tired. i want to go back home," jaren pouts, making john stop the swing. john lightly pushes the hair from his face and holds the boy's cheek with a soft hand. jaren angrily sighs, knowing that he'll give into anything that john says in this position.

"yea, i know. but i didn't come to the park to just push you on the swing," john grins, causing jaren to look away from the boy with light pink cheeks, "come on, follow me."

john grabs his wrist, pulling him through the forest and listening to his small giggles as he is dragged. trees past by them and all john can do is smile at this point.

"john, are you going to kill me out here?" jaren lightly smiles.

"not yet, flower boy. not yet."

john quickly pulls him forward and jaren almost yells at the boy in front of him for pulling him too hard. yet when he sees the sight in front of him, all words fall from his mouth.

the woods had opened up into a small clearing, with a cliff at the edge. when looking down the cliff, you could see big waves of light blue water crashing against the rocks. a patch of bluebells lays on the side of the cliff, sticking up and making jaren small.

"john, it's beautiful."

"i know, flower boy, i know," john smiles at jaren, sitting down and pulling the boy into his lap.

"hey john," jaren whispers, causing the other to hum a sound of acknowledgement, "do you think this could be our special place?"

"sure, flower boy, anything for you. this will be our special place, forever and always."


yo, this is just a lot of fluff packed into a chapter lol. hopefully you enjoy!!

song: idontwannabeyouanymore by billie eilish

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