Shay's POV

The nurse leads us down the hallway to room 514, turns and says "OK, you can all go in, but you need to keep it down because she really needs her sleep right now." The girls and I all agree before opening the door and walking in. I lose my breath when I see her laying there, she looks so weak and pale. She has an IV hooked up and monitors on her chest and her finger... as well as that horrible blood pressure cuff. Ashley puts her arm around me and says "You go sit by her, we will all sit over here on the couch." I smile at her and say "Thank you" I look at them all and say "Thank you all for being here." Lucy says "Of course, where else would we be? She is like our little sister and besides, we are family remember?" I hug them all before I walk over and sit by Sasha's bed. I take her hand in mine, and lay my head on the side of her bed... It isn't long before I am sobbing and Ashley comes over and puts her hand on my back. She says "She is going to be fine, you heard the doctor... he said she will wake up when her body has gotten enough rest." I whisper "I know, you're right... it's just I hate seeing her like this. Why did she take those stupid pills?"

Marlene walks in just as I said that and says "Girls, we have bigger problems right now... there is a reporter out there that knows everything, and I have promised him an exclusive with Sasha when she recovers... but, the other reporters have figured out that it is Sasha in the hospital, and it won't be long until they can confirm it and put it on TV. Shay, you need to contact her parents... as soon as possible." I say you're right, I will do that now... but what do I say to them?" Mar says "Just tell them that she is here and that she is going to be alright. She needs to be the one to tell them what she was taking and why." I agree and excuse myself to make the call.

I dial Sasha's mom, and she picks up after two rings, she says "Hello Shay, how are you and my little girl doing?" I suddenly find it hard to speak, but I managed to say "Hello, ummm... I am afraid I have some not so good news for you... Sasha is in the hospital, she is going to be alright, but she is unconscious at the moment. The doctors say she will wake up when her body has rested enough." I hear her mom start to sob, and her dad takes the phone... he says "Shay what's going on?" I swallow hard and repeat what I had said to her mom. He says "We will be there in about eight hours, Shay you take care of our little girl until we get there." I said "I will, I promise." He hung up the phone and I went back into the room with Mar and the girls. Ashley could tell the call was hard for me, she came over and gave me a big hug. I smiled and said "Thank you... thank you all for being here with me, it's made things a lot easier."  Just then the doctor came in and said "OK, I am sorry but we can't have this many people in the room, I am afraid that I can only allow one or two people to be here at one time."

Marlene stands and says "Ok girls, let's clear out and let Shay spend some time with Sash." The girls all hugged me and said they would be back later but if I needed anything, I should let them know. Marlene hugged me and said "She is going to be fine, but she is going to have to tell me why she started taking those pills and where she got them from." I half smiled and said "Yeah, she definitely needs to explain herself... Thanks again Mar... for everything." She gave me one more hug, and scooted the girls out the back of the hospital where she had her driver waiting for them. I turn and go sit down next to Sash, even though I know she is unconscious, and most likely can't hear me, I find myself talking to her "Baby, what were you thinking? Why would you take those pills? God if I lost you, I don't know what I would do... I love you so much, and the thought of something happening to you makes me sick to my stomach. Don't you know by now that I love you no matter what" I lay my head down on the bed and before too long I fall asleep.

Sasha's POV

I am laying here in what I assume is some kind of bed, I can't move or open my eyes, but I can here Shay talking to someone... Is she talking to me? Why can't I move or open my eyes? I hear her say "Baby, what were you thinking? Why would you take those pills? God if I lost you, I don't know what I would do... I love you so much and the thought of something happening to you makes me sick to my stomach. Don't you know by now that I love you no matter what." Oh no, I must have passed out or something... am I in the hospital? I can hear beeping. What did I do? Am I dead? No, I can't be dead... I'm still here and I can feel Shay's hand in mine... I must be in some sort of coma, but why? What happened? I heard her say something about taking those pills... damn she knows I've been taking diet pills, and she is going to be so mad at me when I wake up. I am going to wake up right? I'm just so tired and I can't keep myself from going back to sleep.

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