Chapter 48

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Shay's POV

I found Ashley and told her I wanted to take Sasha out for dinner but I didn't have my car, I asked if she could smuggle us past the paparazzi and drop us off at Wolfgang Pucks restaurant, WP24, and she said "Sure, but how the hell did you get a reservation? It's always booked at that place." I smile and said "Apparently Wolfgang ships Emison." Ashley just laughs and says "Of course he does." I say "Sash doesn't know where we are going so please don't tell her, I want it to be a surprise. Ash says "Sure, I wont say anything, let me grab my stuff and we can go." We go to grab her stuff and then we stop by my dressing room so I can grab my bag, when we come out, Sash is waiting for us. I walk up and give her a hug and a kiss, she says "Are we ready to go? And by the way, where exactly are we going for dinner anyways?" Shay says "It's a surprise babe" Ash says "Oh trust me Sash you are going to love it."

We make our way out to Ashley's car and Sasha and I climb in the back, Ashley says "You two lay down and cover up with my Jacket... and whatever happens don't move." Sasha and I can't help but giggle at how serious Ashley is taking this. I lay down in the seat, Sasha crawls on top of me... Sasha says "Oh, I think I am going to like this part." Ash says "Yeah, yeah... but no funny business on my leather seats please." I say "Where's the fun in that Ash?" She shoots me a look and I say "OK, OK... I was only joking Ash." She starts driving and as we get close to where the crazy paparazzi are ambushing everyone she says "OK guys, we are almost there... be quiet." I hear what sounds like a ton of people yelling and smacking the car... I hear one guy say "Miss Benson? Where are Shay and Sasha? Are they really dating?" Ashley just keeps driving and I hear her yell "If you don't move your ass, I will run it over." I can't help but giggle a little... Sasha says "Shush..." and places her lips on mine, I instantly forget where we are and I turn the little kiss into a deep and longing one. I run my hand down Sasha's back and squeeze her ass and she moans into the kiss... Just then we hear Ashley say "OK love birds cut that out and sit up." I groan as Sasha begins to sit up... She says "Don't worry baby, we can continue this later." and she kisses my nose and sat up. I sit up and say "You better believe we're going to continue this later."

Sasha's POV

We finally made it past the media horde and Ashley says we can sit up... I really didn't want to sit up because I was really enjoying laying on top of Shay kissing but I knew Ashley was getting irritated at us for making out in the back seat of her car, so I said to Shay "Don't worry baby, we can continue this later." and I kissed her nose and sat up. Shay gives me a look like she wants to eat me up and says "You better believe we're going to continue this later." I gulp and immediately feel my center start to throb, all of a sudden I want nothing more than rip off her clothes and take her right now... Ashley's voice brings me out of my thoughts "Hey guys, we are here." I look out the window and see we are in front of WP24, I say "Oh my God babe, how did you get us in here? I hear it's always booked solid." Shay starts to answer me "Well, I made..." Ashley cuts her off and says "Wolfgang Puck ships Emison... how fucking cool is that shit." Shay laughs and says "Yeah, like I was saying... I made a call to see if I could get us in and at first the said it was impossible, but then the lady asked my name... when she found out who I was she asked me to hold for a minute and the next thing I know, I am talking to Wolfgang Puck... He said he would have a table waiting for us and a special dinner prepared for us. Apparently he loves PLL and he totally loves Emison." I couldn't hold in my laughter, I said "We will have to invite him to the set to see one of our scenes filmed." Ashley says "Hell yeah, maybe he will invite us all to his restaurant for dinner sometime."

We thank Ashley for driving us and get out of the car, As she drives off Shay looks at her phone and says "Wow, we are about 45 minutes early and I feel under dressed for this place." I look at what I am wearing and say "Yeah, I think we should have found a less fancy place." Shay says "Well, come on... I am going to buy us something a little nice to wear." She grabs my hand and we start walking down the street, we get a few stares as some people look like they recognise us. We walk a block and a half and we come to a nice dress shop, Shay opens the door for me and I say "Why thank you my love" she says "Your welcome my lady." The girl working walks up to us and says "Welcome to... Oh my God, you are Emily and Alison... sorry Shay and Sasha..." We smile and Shay says "Yep, that's us... we are looking for a couple of dresses for a nice dinner." The girl tried to contain her excitement and she says "Um, yes... right this way." She led us over to a rack of beautiful dresses and we decided we would surprise each other with what we get." I grab a couple of dresses and shay does the same and we walk into the changing area. The girl is standing right outside the doors waiting to see if we need anything else.

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