Chapter 77

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Shay's POV

We are at our water zumba class and just got our suits on, I can't believe Ashley is wearing a two piece to workout in... That girl never ceases to amaze me with the crazy things she does. We are in the water and ready for class to begin... thankfully this is a small class, there is only 8 of us all together. I notice Ashley is checking out our female instructor and I think to myself, this should be interesting, knowing what I know now. I look at Sasha and she has a little smirk on her face so I am assuming she knows about Ashley as well. I whisper "You know don't you?" She looks at me and smiles before saying "Yeah, I overheard you two this morning, but I won't say anything... if she wants to tell me then she will." I smile back and kiss her cheek before the instructor begins to speak. She says "Good morning everyone and welcome to water zumba, my name is Anna and I will be your instructor today... if you have never done this before, then you are in for a real treat. We are going to have a lot of fun and don't worry if you can't get it right away, I will be helping those of you might need a little help getting the hang of it, so I don't want anyone to stress if you feel like you will never get it... I promise you will, and the most important part is to keep moving and have fun."

The look on Ashley's face right now is priceless, I can practically see the wheels turning as Anna talks. Anna asks that we all line up in two rows of four, and Ashley quickly moves right up front and center. Troian, Lucy, Sasha and I fall in line behind the front row. The music starts and Anna instructs us on the dance moves and I have to say this is a lot of fun... but not as fun as watching Ashley trying to get Anna's attention. Troian and Lucy get the hang of it pretty quickly as does everyone else in the group... except Ashley who I know for a fact can dance. She is messing up on purpose and it's hilarious. Sasha leans in and says "What in the world is Ash doing? I have seen her dance and she picks up new dance moves faster than any of us." I giggle and say "I think she is flirting with Anna." Troian and Lucy seem to be having too much fun to notice, so Sasha and I keep dancing, and watch the Ashley show that's playing out in front of us. Sasha giggles and says "Oh this should be good." I laugh and say "Oh yeah, it's getting good for sure."

Ashley is really putting on a show and Anna now has her hands on Ashley's hip and "helping" her to get the right movement with her hips. I swear this girl is shameless, I know I told her to have an open mind but I'm pretty sure I also said to go out with a woman, not hit on the first one she saw. The girls and I are having a blast, the music is great and watching Ashley flirt is a bonus. Towards the end of the class, I can see that Ashley's charm has indeed captured the attention of Anna and it looks like Anna is now flirting back. I have to say, I am impressed by Ashley's boldness. The class ends and Anna thanks us all for coming and tells us to have a wonderful day. We are getting out of the pool and I look back and see that Anna has her hand on Ashley's back and it looks as if things are moving along pretty quickly. I tap Sasha on the shoulder and she turns around, I motion to her to check out Ashley and Anna. She says "Well that escalated quickly... good for her." I wrap my arm around her waist and we make our way to join Troian and Lucy in the changing room.

Sasha's POV

The girls and I, minus Ashley are in the locker room and Troian finally notices that Ashley is not with us, she says "Hey where's Ash?" I smile and Shay says "Oh, um..." I see she is struggling to come up with an answer, so I say "She said she had some questions for our instructor and to go ahead with our day and she will catch up later." Troian shrugs her shoulders and says "Oh, ok then... what do we have planned next?" Shay smiles at me and says "Well, Sasha and I are going for a sauna if you want to join us." Troian and Lucy look at each other and Lucy says "Well I think I am going to skip the sauna, what time are we doing the facials and mani-pedis?" Shay laughs and says "We have appointments for 1 pm today, it's only 9 am so you have plenty of time to do other things if you want... they are doing yoga and a spin class in about an hour if your interested." Lucy looks at Troian and they both say "Yoga" at the same time. I laugh and say "Well, I guess we will see you later then..."

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