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That's it then.

The judge declared it.

The three prisoners were taken outside to be hanged.....

"Kill'em!", a citizen shouted.

"You deserve this!!" Said Another.

The chorus continued while the guard put the rope around their necks, "Any last words?"

They shook their heads.

"Well then", he said about to pull the lever. "Serves you right." The merchant snickered. "Stealing from me. But this time----" He never got to finish as a 3DMG gear sliced his neck open.

The next course of action were fast.

People gasped and screamed. Guards were shocked. The lever was pulled... But it was cut the moment the floor board split, making the three prisoners fall.

"Finally!", a guy who was one of the prisoners said while rubbing his neck.

"We began to think you would never come." Another guy of the prisoners said.

The girl, the last prisoner looked up at a figure and beamed, " Told'ya she would come."

By this time the guards were out their daze and pointed their guns at them.

" Tch. Get out of here, the 3DMG gear is outside. I'll handle this." Said a figure in a monotone voice as they jumped down from a wall.

The other three ran, making the scared crowd part to give them way.

The cloaked figure took down a few guards. She looked around, her eyes scanning the area. "Time to Go", she said before she jumped away and disappeared somewhere.


To The Underground:-

"Oof! That was close... And cool." Said one the escapists. The other two nodded, agreeing.

"Next time ---"

" Craig. Luke. Seren."

The three turn to see the hooded figure walk up to them. The figure stopped right in front of them. "Who was it?"

"Who was what?", Luke asked.

The figure took down their hood reveling a 17year old with (h/l) (h/c) hair and a stoic look on her face.
"Who was it... That first suggested going after that merchant?", she asked.

No one answered.

"ANSWER ME!!", she shouted.

The three jumped a little. They looked down.
"It was me.", Craig.(A/n:- the oof guy) said without looking up.

The girl just stood there.

"Get up", she ordered and there was no hesitation to following that order.

She walked up to the guy and punched him right in the gut, causing him to lean over the shorter woman's shoulder. "Argh!"

"Remember this", she whispered. She moved away and kicked him hard before leaving.

The other two stood there waiting for the third to recover. The girl, Seren, put her hands behind her head as she snickered, " That was cool wasn't it."

"Oh, just shut up", Craig said.

Luke sighed. "Let's just go. She'll be home by now."

"Yeah." They agreed before zipping away using the 3DMG gear.


Hey there readers!!

I hope you liked the story so far. And I'm sorry the names suck.😅😅.     But... PJO fans (if any) did you see what I did there with names.. Luke, anybody? No? Ok, fine.

I really want to know what you think so feel free to comment.😁😁

Btw, I'm the sensible one from the  3lazyotaku and go check out our other fanfic.

Peace out!!

UNDERGROUND TO SURVEY CORPS (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now