Chapter 1 : Kidnapped?!

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It was just a normal day for everyone in the city, the streets filled with car honks and smoke. It was peaceful...

I was clouded with thoughts as I walked down the street. "Still stinky as ever, ahh..." I sighed and raised my scarf over my nose to try and block the smoke.


Argh! These people just love to make these damn noises!
I tried to block out my thoughts by shaking my head from left to right. Great... Now my head hurts... I regret doing that...

I kept walking down the street until I arrived at a convenience store. I entered and bought some of those delicious, holy, strawberry yogurt milk drink! They taste so good! I pulled the straw and... plop! plopped the thing in the juice box. I exited the store and continued my way. Now take a sip and...


Owie! Why is it so dark? Wait... WHERE'S MY YOGURT MILK DRINK?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Oh... Did I just die?

~^owo^~                          ~*light*~

Ah, what is that thing?

       ~^owo^~                    ~*light*~

Huh?? What's it doing?


What the...




Argh... My head hurts...
"Hey... up... way... ey...!"
Is someone there? What happened..?
I slowly opened my eyes and tried to scan the area for the voice. But, before I did so, my surroundings started to shake.

"Waaaaaake up sleepyhead!" a girl with green hair was shaking me.

"Huh? Where am I?" I asked the girl.

"What? You don't know? Great! Gabe how did the investigation go?" the girl kind of shoved me a little once she let go of me and called out to a dark green haired boy, Are they siblings?

"Sadly the room we are currently in is locked, there seems to be no way out. Also, why did you shake the poor boy, his head might still be hurting you know." he responded.

I looked at the both the boy and girl.
The boy looked so formal, while the girl looked almost like... "...a strawberry..."

"What?" the girl looked at me in confusion.
"A strawberry?"

Oh crap! Did I just think out loud?! Oh no, please don't be mad, you just look like a strawberry!

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to call you a strawberry! Well, you do kind of look like one considering you're currently wearing a pink jacket and your hair is green..." I scratched the back of my neck out of nervousness.

"wHaT?! Well, first of all, thank you, second, what are you thinking?!"

Ah, crap. She looks mad... Oh gosh, first I blacked out, then I lost my sTrAwBeRrY yOgUrT mIlK dRiNk, next I'm being confronted by a smad strawberry.

"A-Amai... Calm down, I don't think he meant it..." the boy somehow calmed down the strawberry.

"I-I'm sorry, but uh, who are you two?" I asked them.

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