Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

MBC Office

Yena arrived early at the office. She's there for the WGM meeting. Today is the day they're gonna meet.

Yena was so nervous today. She kept on fidgeting on the way. Her manager kept shooting glances at her. He's talking about what happened the other day. But Yena is not paying attention.

Manager: Yena are you alright?

Yena cannot hear her manager.

Manager: Yah Yena, can you even hear me?

Yena wasn't even listening.

Yena's manager stopped the car to get her attention.

Manager: Yah Choi Yena!

Yena went back to her senses when the car suddenly stopped.

Yena: A-ah manager-nim, why did you stopped?
Manager: Yah Choi Yena. You've been out of focus since the other day. And you kept on fidgeting today. I've been trying to talk to you for the past 30 minutes but I haven't received any response. What is wrong with you?

Yena: I-I'm okay m-manager.
Manager: Why are you stuttering? We can't have you stuttering on this meeting.
Yena: I-I know manager-nim. I'll pull my self together.

Yena tried so hard to keep it cool. But it was nearly impossible.

She tried to listen to music to help herself relax, until she fell asleep on the way.

When they arrived at MBC Office. The nervousness she felt earlier came crashing back.

She saw her. And she's not yet ready.

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