Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

February 2022

Yuehua Entertainment

Yena, her manager and PD are in a meeting for her upcoming comeback. Yena debuted last year, November 2021  as a solo, her debut was a huge success. Eversince then, they haven't found the perfect song for her comeback. Everything she listens to seems a bit off and lacking. But today her PD promised her that they found the perfect song for her.

PD: So what do you think, Yena?
Yena thought that the song is good though a little too much on the ballad, but she can feel the emotions on it
Yena: It's great! Though I'm wondering if it'll be alright if I comeback with this. I mean its very different from what I debuted with, right? What about you, manager? Think I can do this?
Manager: I think it's a good song Yena. Though its worlds apart from your debut single which is very girl crush. I think this could work. People already know how versatile you are since Produce 48 and IZ*ONE. This is just another proof you can do both girl crush and ballad songs.
PD: We'll why don't you think about it first. Then decide if this is what you want. Okay?
Yena: Thanks, PD.
Manager: Thank you, PD. We'll be going now.
PD: Before you leave I would like to ask you about the proposal I've sent yesterday.
Yena: What proposal PD?
Manager: Oh right! I still haven't told her about it. It's a bit shocking to be coming from me actually.
PD: I see, well I think this is a great opportunity to promote Yena. After all, most members of her fandom are from that fandom. You can take your time to discuss it with Yena. Then update me once you've reached your decision.
Manager: Yes, PD.

Once outside Yuehua Entertainment

Yena: What proposal is that all about, Manager?
Manager: We'll you see MBC decided to do a collaboration with IZ*ONE members on one of their new programs. Since your group is a huge success. You still have tons of fans though your group is no longer active. Everyone of your fans demands a collaboration.
Yena: Really? That's great isn't it? What program are we talking about?
Manager: Its more of a reality show actually.
Yena: Oh, is that like IZ*ONE CHU?
Manager: Well yes and no.
Yena: What is that supposed to mean, Manager?
Manager: The thing is, what they want you to do is to be a part of their "We got married" Season five.
Yena: We got married? As in the program where they do fake dating and marriage and stuff?
Manager: Yes that program.
Yena: I thought its for IZ*ONE members. Are we gonna be MCs or something?
Manager: Well yes it is for IZ*ONE members. But not as MCs but as couples. MBC wanted to cast the strongest ships in IZ*ONE.
Yena: What?!

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