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Is it hard to see
I am down and out
Under a storm of doubt
I am heavily chained
Whilst I beg to be freed
Pain swallows me
In a shockingly silent abyss
Mania turns me to a maniac
Don't say I'm not trapped
You're not in my head
I slip into anxiety
I question everything
I am heavily chained
Whilst I beg to be freed
Is it hard to see
My anger stems from madness
My madness masks my sadness
And my sadness suffocates me
Don't accuse me of lying
You dont care to understand
I cry in the shower
I mope in the rain
I rage in the car
I scream all alone
These shackles weigh me down
I'm gripped by fear
I don't know why I'm here
Each second is a waste
I don't even pray
I'm not worthy to save
Is it hard to see?
I am chained
The life in me is drained
My inner self mocks me
The voices laugh at me
I lose my kindness
Folks see me smile
But I have death on my mind
Etched on my soul-suicide
I crave human contact
But it's been hard
I desire love
But alas there's no one
I haven't felt this way since 16
But there's warmth in my med
It hugs my very core
That's why I take lamotrigine

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