xxxviii | Old Man

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Vera smiled at Angela in the parking lot, toying with the keys on her hand. Izzy tossed her hair over her shoulder, sighing deeply. 

"It's really over, isn't it?" Angela questioned, leaning against the Copeland's car. The two females looked over to the brunette, sighing Angela continued. "I mean it seems like yesterday I met you, and we all just became friends-"

"I know," Izzy interrupted Angela's rambling, "but we're all going to Washington State together. Maybe we can be roommates?" 

"Vera?" The blue haired female turned to face Angela, giving a soft smile. 

"Yeah, of course," biting her lip Vera leaned deeper into the car, noticing the smaller female approaching the girls. Izzy noticed as well, turning deeper towards Vera. 

"Hello," Alice Cullen's smile was bright on the three girls. Despite sitting with her everyday at lunch, Izzy was still not accustomed to vampires. "I wanted to hand deliver my invitations for our graduation party!" 

"Thanks Alice," Angela smiled accepting hers, and flipping the parchment over. 

"You can bring Sam," Alice turned back to Vera. The female shrugged her shoulders at the offer. 

"I don't think he would come," Angela scoffed at the comment. 

"Sam would go anywhere you invited him."

"Yeah not to the Cullen's-no offense." Izzy gave a plastic smile to the brunette who only returned it. 

"None taken, besides your ride is coming. Hope to see you there," Vera scanned the invitation, noticing the neat print on the back. 

"She's such a nice girl," Angela beamed, her smile growing as Steven tossed an arm around her. Pulling her closer he pressed his lips to her forehead. 

"How's your day been?" Vera's heart melted at the question, glad her brother had grown into a man deserving of the love Angela could give. The four climbed into the Copeland's shared car and were off in the direction of home. Angela shook her dark hair out in the passenger seat, Izzy and Vera play red hands in the back. 

"It is weird, Steven we won't be in the same school anymore," Angela pressured. 

"Yeah, until I go to Washington state next year-"

"You wanna go?" Vera questioned from the back seat, shaking her head as Steven laughed idly. 

"Mom and Dad are looking for a full ride, dentistry maybe." Vera laughed now, leaning from Izzy's warm hands. 

"You following in the family's footsteps, wonder why they didn't ask me," her brows cinched. 

"Vera we know why they didn't ask you," Izzy retorted the occupants laughing. Their last moments as just kids sitting in their parents cars flashing behind them under the overcast. 

"Shut up," Vera leaned forward shoving Izzy's head into the back of her seat. The four spoke in happy terms, discussing their ideal futures, colleges, everything they had neglected to do since their friend group came about. 

"Izzy, what type of girl are you into?" Vera found herself suddenly questioning, never really thinking about what Izzy looked for in a partner. 

"Someone smart, able to hold their own, blondes," Her mouth pulled up at the corners, as Steven laughed loudly. 

"I like brunettes," Angela rolled her eyes, chuckling as she opened her passenger door. 

"I'd hope so," Vera popped her door open, noticing the familiar truck in her driveway. 

"I definitely have a type." Vera smiled at the guy leaning against the front of his truck. Samuel Uley waltzed forward, bright smile on his face as his arms reached for the blue haired girl. 

"What about you Sam? You got a type?" Izzy called, hands tucked into her jean pockets. 

Sam looked at the group for a second, feeling a bit weird at his sudden reacceptance. His long eyelashes fluttered as he looked down at Vera. 

"Yeah, I've always had a thing for girls with blue hair and a sharp attitude." Steven's loud laughter echoed in the front yard, hand rising up to slap against Sam's. The warm weather, urging the teens to enjoy the cloudy day. 

Jamie Copeland stood in the window, glass of lemonade in her hand as she stared at the group of teenagers. 

"They grow up fast, don't they?" Dana questioned, hands wrapping around his wife's waist. The pair stared at the group of five. 

"Yeah, sadly they do that." Jamie breathed, shaking her dark hair. "Reminds me of us, Vera and Sam," Jamie clarified. 

"Does it?" Dana smiled, resting his head on the bridge of her shoulder. 

"We certainly were not Angela and Steven, but yes. Vera's her own worst enemy, I just hope that Sam might become her hero."

"You think it's the real deal?" Dana questioned, brows furrowed in confusion. 

"Yeah, I do. Look at how they look at each other, you don't find that everywhere." Jamie spoke, turning to face Dana. "They're going to be just fine, we raised them right."

"That we did, we taught them all they know about love," Dana replied. 

"Whether or not we were successful at our first try is a bit trickier." 

"I don't know about you, but I was very successful, I loved you from the moment you looked me in the eyes in ninth grade math class and called me stupid." Laughing, Jamie leaned upwards pressing a chaste kiss to Dana's lips. 

"Shut up old man." 

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