"She's punched." Cat called back, the Chaos flew forward, and through the hole.


"Eyes on, looks like they are getting closer to the guardian." Shadow called. 

"Be advised, the secondary team is closing! We might need to intervine." Valkyrie radioed in. 

"Who the hell are those guys?" Jumper asked, Ghost shrugged. 

"I recognize the black and blue spartan, he was Sarah's personal guard, the others were with him, but I didnt see them as much." Mark said, looking through Valkyrie's shared visor.

"Whats their estimated time of intercept?" Shadow asked. Ghost peered ahead, and using the thermal imaging Cortana lent him, held up a hand. 

"Four." He said, holding up four fingers. 

"Minutes?" Shadow asked. 

"Seconds, alright, lock and load, we are going loud." Ghost growled, looking to Boom, he and Patches prepped charges, they would jump down and get John to him to the Guardian, or to his ship. 

"On your mark, Ghost." Boom nodded to Ghost, Ghost took a deep breath. 

"Valkyrie, you in a good position?" Mark asked. 

"I've got my sights on their sniper." Valkyrie radioed. 

"Alright, on my mark... Mark!" Mark yelled, the ground burst open, and the spartans dropped down onto the platform. 


"Mark?" John asked. 

"John, go, Cortana's waiting for you." Mark said, not taking his eyes off of the black and blue spartan. 

"Spartan 727, what are you doing? You know what her guardians are capable of!" the spartan called. 

"Oh, this guy? Hello Locke." Shadow growled. 

"Spartan Conklin... we meet again." Locke said. 

"John, you arent moving." Mark growled. 

"But I thou-"

"John!" Cortana called from the Guardian.

"GO! NOW!" Mark growled, seeing a rock fall into the Lava. 

"I cant let you do that 117." Locke said, turning his rifle to John, his team foolishly followed. Mark charged forward, knocking the gun out of his hand, and grabbing the armor suppressor from his belt, he threw the spartan over his shoulder, and turned after him.

"LOCKE!" His team called. 

"Make a move and you die." Boom growled. 

"What did we do to you? For you to turn on the human race like this!" Locke demanded. 

"Well, first, ONI fucked up, and killed my family, then I find out they tortured my brother, then, I find out my sister and ONI are behind it all." Mark growled, catching Locke's fist, and bending it down to the point of breaking. 

"STOP!" A female spartan called, aiming a rifle at Mark's head, Mark broke Locke's shoulder, spinning him and using him as a shield. 

"Valkyrie." Mark said simply. 

"VALE LOOK OUT!" Locke cried out, hearing Mark's words, too late. Valkyrie's shot knocked out Vale's arm. 

"Put your guns down!" Mark demanded, pressing Locke's neck to a lethal point. 

The Spartans looked to each other, and laid down their weapons, just then, a huge rock knocked out the bridge between the guardian and them, another two knocked out the only other exits. 

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