Chapter 95 - Jamming

Start from the beginning

She continued, "Chef Michele is one of the most inspiring chefs I have met. He's almost 85 years old, but he has such a youthful spirit and he is just, he still has dreams, and he wants to fulfill them, and that inspires me a lot, you know?" 

"Yes, absolutely. Dreams are good. They are good to have. They help you steer in a direction." I said.

"Sahil, can I ask you a question?" 


"What was your dream?"


"Your dream, in your childhood. Like, what did you want to become when you were a kid."


"Hey remember you used to sing so much, when we were kids. Whenever I would come to your house, you would be singing. And you would try to teach me how to sing, because you thought I sang really off-tune."

"Yeah..... yeah ahaha, yes, I remember." I said, trying to laugh it off. 

"So did you actually want to be a singer when you were a kid?" She asked me curiously. 


"Your destination is on the right." Saved by Google Maps!

"Ah, see Ragi, we are here. Umm... where do you think I should park?" I asked taking a right turn.

"I think right there near the gate would be okay."

Trees lined the gate of the 'Maison de Gagne' which means 'House of Gagne', Gagne I believe is the Phillipe's and his family's last name. Gagne also translates to 'Farmer' in French, which means that these guys have been farmers since generations. 

We got out of the car and Ragi took the cake we picked up from a bakery on the way for Phillipe's family.

We saw Phillipe come out with his arms wide open and a big smile on his face, "Come in , come in, welcome my friends!" he said with a thick French accent. 

"Bonjour Phillipe!" Ragi greeted him and hugged him. 

"Bonjour Phillipe," I gave him a firm handshake.

"Ah...such a firm handshake in the morning! You might be a businessman, oui?"

"Oui monsieur!" (Yes sir)

"Ah, bien! Allez, allez, allons à l'intérieur!" (Ah, that's great! Come on, come on, let's go inside!) 

We went inside where we met all of Phillipe's family - his wife and kids, his parents, his siblings, their spouses and their kids. There were so many people in their kitchen and so many smiles and laughter to make Ragi and I feel welcome in their house. 

After a bit of chit-chat, Phillipe gave us a tour of his place, his farm and his garden. Needless to say, it was one of the most beautiful houses we had ever seen. The house was three-floored, surrounded by a garden all around it, and orchards of fruits beyond that. The house was very old- Phillipe's family had been living there since 7 generations.  And as I had guessed, they all had been farmers. 

We all soon moved out into the garden. Freshly plucked strawberries, figs and oranges were kept in huge baskets. Ragi was extremely delighted to see them.  Sometimes I think you could keep the most basic thing in front of her, and she would be delighted to see that too. She was beaming with happiness seeing those fruits, intently listening to Phillipe's brother Paul who was telling her how they grew these fruits and how they harvested them. 


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