Here goes nothing

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The boys were roughly 2 hours into the 5 hour flight, but it felt like they had been in the air for at least 6 hours.
Hoseok had managed to fall asleep in yoongi's arms after an hour of heaving and gagging over the plane toilet.
He was now situated, curled up next to yoongi, in nothing but the pair of shorts Jin had managed to pull on him. The skin to skin contact seemed to calm him enough for him to fall into a light sleep. Every now and again a small wimpier could be heard coming from him, followed by yoongi whispering comforting words into his ears. While Jin strokes his fingers through his hair, this always managed to soothe him.

Suddenly he jerked forward his hand covering his mouth. "Hyung" his says desperately as his body shakes from the force of his stomach. Jin rushes of finding the nearest sick bag. As he gives it to him he begins to gag and belch only bringing up the occasional bit of orange liquid.
After this episode stops he lays back exhausted. "Poor baby" Jin says as he pats his shoulder and wipes his face.

After an hour of both yoongi and Jin showering Hobi with affection, the younger boy managed to drift slowly to a light slumber. Whimpering when ever the plane shook or yoongi moved too quickly.

Yoongi looked down at the sleeping hoseok before directing his gaze towards Namjoon and Jin. "He needs to see a doctor" yoongi says quietly looking back at the younger boy, who was shivering in his arms.
"I know yoongi, I know" Namjoon answers. His grip tightening around jungkook who was snuggled up on his lap.

He couldn't look at him. That fact that his hyung was hurting and he couldn't do anything about it made him uneasy. As leader he had to be strong, but deep down he wanted to grab hoseok and rock him back and forth, he wanted to take the pain away, he wanted him to be well again.
Feeling tears begin to form in his eyes he goes back to stroking the littles hair, distracting him from the situation.

Time skip

Hoseok had been slipping in and out of sleep for the last hour of the journey, he had been holding on to a sick bag and refusing to let go. Occasionally lifting his head from the crook of Jins neck, where he had been moved to after yoongis legs began to cramp, feeling the need to vomit but only bringing up bile as there was nothing left in his stomach.

Jimin had woken up a few minutes ago and was now sitting next to the widow describing everything that he saw to taehyung who was patiently listening to his rambling, glancing over to Hobi every now and then.
Namjoon had given the sleeping kookie to yoongi who had also fallen asleep and was in the process of calling the hotel to warn them that the were coming and that Hobi was sick, they had offered to send them a doctor once that had landed, and Namjoon was more than happy to agree.

Time skip

The pilot has just said over the speaker that they are about to land. Jin looked down and surveyed the condition of Hobi who was laying in his arms. The last hour had been the worst, he was feeling weak and every part of his body ached. Jin had taken his shirt off so they were having skin on skin contact, hoping this would soothe the boy. It had worked for the first couple of minutes but eventually Hoseok had given in to the wave of nausea and began throwing up all that was left in his stomach. His throat burning as the acid hit, desperately trying to keep it in he had resorted to swallowing down the bubbles rising from his stomach.

As the plane started to descend there was a blood curdling scream as the pressure caused his whole body the cramp. Jin was rubbing circles on his back and Namjoon attempting to massage his aching muscles. It hurt them both to see their smiling sunshine in pain and there was nothing that they could do to stop it.

Finally the flight was over and everyone began moving to collect all their things. They all looked towards Namjoon for a plan of action, not out of the woods yet as they still had to fight the crowds to get out of the airport.

"They know that we are here... so we just need to stick together and follow the security" Namjoon stated looking over the group.
" Jin can you wrap hyung up and put his mask on... you will go with yoongi." It seemed a good idea to put the oldest two together, looking after the still shivering Hobi.
" tae-ah... me and you have got the littles, stay close to the back of the others"

With that they headed out of the plane. As predicted the crowds were huge and they swarmed around the boys, security fighting of phones and signs as they pushed their way out of the airport towards the van they had organised to pick them up.

As they were walking yoongi and Jin kept making eye contact, talking to each other without the use of words, like they had been doing for years.
Suddenly Hoseok groans and tears can be seen threatening to be let out. "No seokie don't ... we are nearly there" Yoongi cooed. It was not often he used nicknames, but he couldn't stand seeing his dongsaeng in pain. This seemed to calm him down a little so, after sharing a look with Jin, they both continued to whisper calming things into his ear.
After what seemed like and eternity they had made it to the van with only a few minor injuries. Jimin as been grabbed and so had a bruise forming on his wrist and taehyung, who was carrying him, had been scratched on his face.
These did not go unnoticed and as soon as Jin began fussing taehyung stopped him saying " hyung we are fine, focus on Hobi hyung he needs you more"
Both jin and Namjoon gave him a thankful smile before turning their attention back to their member who was curled up in yoongis lap.  He had his arms holding his stomach and was slowly letting yoongi rock him back and forth.
They all knew that this holiday was not going to be as relaxed as they thought but it didn't bother them. They just wanted their ball of sunshine back.


Hey guysssss

Sorry this took so long but I was actually really ill, a bit like how Hobi is in the book.
Anyway I'm almost back to normal and poof and I'm ill again this time it requires me to have a load of tests done.

I'll try to update as much as possible.
Thank you for reading

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