A Shocking Development ::22::

Start from the beginning

“Oh yeah... brilliant. You won. You came in first.” he sighed. She genuinely smiled then, pleased with herself. She pulled away from him. Severus stepped aside to speak with Dumbledore privately, who happily obliged.

“The girl is blind for God knows how long Albus... there’s nothing that can be done. We have to wait to see if her sight comes back.” he muttered angrily. The twinkle in the Headmaster’s eyes grew larger with every passing second.

“But that isn’t going to stop you from trying is it Severus?” he inquired innocently. Severus felt his eyes narrowing at the obscenely old man. Dumbledore only smiled pleasantly and glanced at the two teenagers. Crouch was speaking with Madam Pomfrey.

“Trying to do what? Haven’t the slightest idea what you mean... Headmaster.” Severus snapped coldly. The old professor shook his head.

“Don’t play stupid with me Severus... you may be the most intelligent man I have ever come across in my life but you certainly are a fool.” this took the Potions Master by surprise. Severus knitted his eyebrows together, gaping at his employer.

“I beg pardon-”

“I’ve been on this earth long enough to sense when two people have as strong of a connection between eachother as you and Miss Kingsleigh do.”

“Albus I-”

“Please. I’m not as clueless as you are willing to believe. She is truly a perfect match for yourself... but do remember where the boundaries are Severus. There is a fine line between enough and too far.” he warned, and waltzed out with Bartemius.

His mouth hung open slightly, and at this time he was thankful the girl couldn’t see... and was chatting away with Potter... but now was about time he become a bastard and break it up. She didn’t need company.

“There’s a party in Gryffindor common room later... if you want to come...” he said nervously, taking short pauses between sentences. She gave him a sad smile, but then turned to her professor. He stiffened.

“That sounds really nice Harry... but I don’t know if I’m up for a party tonight.” she shook her head. He nodded in understanding.

“I see... ER.... WELL... I don’t see. I mean I DO see... and you can too but you just... er... I’ll see you later.” he stammered hopelessly, and scurried out of the Hospital Wing. She giggled, and grabbed the black clad arm once more.

“You should wear muggle sun shades. This way people don’t mistake you for seeing.” he told her, gathering them from Madam Pomfrey. It was curious that she ever have needed them, but the past was a crazy time... for everyone.

Lennox heard footsteps near her. 

“Good evening Professor. Lennox. Is Madam Pomfrey here? I have some things from Professor Sprout.” a friendly voice stated. She had to think hard about the voice, before connecting the dots. She smiled at the girl.

It was her new lab partner in advanced potions, Holly, and she was a seventh year Hufflepuff. Lennox also remembered she was the personal assistant of the Herbology teacher. Lennox pointed to the healer’s office, which Holly gladly skipped off to.

She grabbed the black clad arm once more and the two strolled off arm in arm down the corridors. The students hadn’t arrived back at the castle, sparing the two from strange looks as they made their way down to the dungeons.

He brought her to the common room, glancing at her wristwatch. It was nearly seven. Where had the entire day gone? Only earlier this morning he had been watching her peacefully sit in a tree and now he had been taking her sightless body to her dorm.

“Severus?” she questioned as the two entered the circular room with beds all around it. She felt around for her own spot, and finally reached it, tossing her cloak down onto the bed and carefully sitting down on it.

“I... I think...” she paused.

“There’s a first time for everything I suppose.” he joked sarcastically. She glared at him as only a blind girl can. She paused once more.

“I think... I might be in-” she stopped herself, biting her lip. Severus remained quiet, only watching her troubled expression. She’s in what? He found himself wanting to know more and more each time she opened her mouth to speak.

“Nevermind... I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you’re doing for me. You are the best man I know. And I thank you... and I don’t hate you. Just the opposite... I find in different circumstances I may even count you as a... friend.” she slowly got out.

His heart swelled. Words like that had never been said to him before. He had never been called the ‘best.’ He had never heard ‘thank you’ from anyone but Dumbledore. He had never been considered a friend... by anyone- not even Albus. Perhaps not even Lily.

“I... Kingsleigh there’s something I need to tell you. I-” it was his turn to leave her in suspense. It wasn’t the right time for it. He would have to wait. There was nothing worse than speaking at an inopportune moment. 

“Yes... Severus?” she pleaded quietly. He pursed his lips together, closing his eyes and folding his hands behind his back. 

“I... am going to start working on a potion for your eyes... you’ll need them for the second task... it isn’t until after Christmas mind you, but I do believe it could take awhile. Will you be alright here by yourself?” he recovered.

She nodded, shooting him a sad look as he left. He needed to leave the girls dormitory before he was seen by the other Slytherins. He sighed, and quickly made his way back into his personal office. He had no idea where to begin to find a cure for sight loss.

But Severus knew himself to be determined. Especially when there was a reason behind his research. He sat back in his chair, rubbing his eyes and yawning. It had been forever since he’d slept, and with the current situation he knew sleep wasn’t on the top of his ‘to do’ list...

Although he sure wished Lennox Kingsleigh was. 

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