27 ~ 5 Years Back

Start from the beginning

-Yours soulmate jiminie hyung.'

I and eomma don't understand anything why he said that this was his fault and suddenly he went to America. Appa knows something but he never opened the mouth. He just said that he will take care. At that moment we just concentrate to get back old tae. 10 days eomma stayed the hospital with tae. I want to know who the fucker did that to our precious tae but appa ordered me that don't talk about this matter any more and he said that he will take care of this don't interfere this matter. We can't watch tae like this, we thought if we changed the environment and tae surroundings he will be changed so we moved to Seoul, I mean here. But tae Isolated himself, he has suffered a lot, eomma become very very overprotective and didn't move one inch away from tae, he was stuck to him. We tried all ways to make him happy like old days, no changes. Same repeated for 6 months. Our sweet home changed into hell" I sighed and took a few seconds to continue.

"After 6 months he smiled the first time when appa cooks for us and destroyed the whole kitchen" I grinned while thinking that sweet moments.

"How? Eomeonim never allowed anyone to his kitchen. I am damn sure after that abeonim got bunch of scolds from eomeonim, am I right?" she asked me with excitedly.

I shook my head as a no "Nope, actually we celebrated that day" I said happily.

"What?" she was shocked.

"Not only us, the whole Seoul celebrated that day" I pinched on her nose lightly she smiled shyly.

Her smiled faded.

"Why?" I asked and gently cared her cheeks.

"Such a young age when that happened to my taetae. He is so pure heart, why that happened to him?" I wiped her tears.

"Yes, we don't deserve an angel like him" I pats her head.

"What happened after that?"

"Tae gets back to the normal life slow by slow. We let him to do whatever he wants, but eomma never allowed again him go to the school. He starts the indoor class for him. At first tae didn't say anything after one he gets bore to stay inside the home. After that incident, first time he comes to me and requested me to took him outside. But eomma didn't allow us to go alone. So we went with full of ARMY".


"I mean full of trained high level bodyguards, and with the head of ARMY Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin"

"Yeah yeah powerful ARMY with powerful heads" she said with chuckles.

"Yep, after that day tae becomes so naughty like old days. We were so happy, I can't put it in words. Meanwhile he never forget his soulmate friend jimin. He kept asking us, but we lied to him that he went for his studies. We tried to talk to jimin but he never let us to reach him. I and appa went to America to check him. He said that he was staying with his friend in America. Appa talked to jimin personally, after that day he called us but he never talked to tae. Whenever tae tried to talk him he cuts the call immediately. He said that he felt guilty for that incident, I knew that he hide something from me. Whenever I talk to him about that incident he just said sorry sorry sorry and never let him any other words from his mouth, then I never pressured him. I know that he is also pure heart, he won't did anything wrongly, he just blamed himself for tae left that day alone" I sighed.

"Hmmm, jimin is so caring to tae. When I was called him, he said that he is missing tae so much. I told that tae also missing you badly, and I tell him that how tae has behave when he think about jimin. Just come and meet him. But I never ever imagined this kind of situation behind him. I am pity for him" she said with sad voice.

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