Chapter 25

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A/N: The inspiration bug must have bitten me or maybe it's your wonderful comments that give me the motivation to write so much these days. I didn't think this was going to be so long but I was getting tired to the dark mood. So most of it will end here, I promise.

I also suck at writing tense scenes life or death scenes so I apologize for this mess XD.

Bring in some joy, and sexiness, please. It's coming back soon. Will Jimin just give up like that? Or should Jeongyeon be the one to do the groveling/ begging this time? Stay tuned to find out.

Enjoy and have a wonderful day/ night :)~


November 29th, 2018 - Same Night at a Police Station in Seoul

"What do you mean, he is not there?" Sejin asked in a rushed tone that he is trying to keep calm. His back was turned to the six members and two women that are with him at the police station.

They all arrived together earlier in the night and Jeongyeon had recounted what she knew and what happened with the stylist. While everybody was sharing their testimony about the previous year's event, Sejin thought it would be prudent to send Hobeom to the guys' apartment to get Jimin and bring him to the station since he wasn't answering his phone.

They all figured he was probably sleeping or watching TV. However, his worse nightmare was confirmed when he answered his phone a minute ago to hear that Jimin was not home.

"Yes, it's how I told you, Hyung. The security guard said that he hasn't been home yet. I even checked the CCTV and he wasn't on any of them. I don't know where he went after he left the club but it certainly wasn't home."

"Shit" Sejin whispered under his breath. "Ok, thanks Beom-ah. Just stay there in case he gets home, and keep me posted if anything happens. We're going to finish up here and head out soon." He turned back to the members with a deep frown visible over his usually blank face.

They all froze in fear of what was to come. He looked at them, thinking about how to soften the news as much as possible. His mind was filled with too many concerns so he gave up, sighed and told them the truth.

"I don't mean to worry you but I think we have some bad news. Jimin is not at home and he never even came back to the building. No one has seen him since he left the club."

His gaze now found Jeongyeon who was biting on the nails of one hand while the other hand gripped her stomach tightly. She looked extremely pale and frail at this moment. Her friend was holding her by the shoulder to support her but they could all see that she was barely hanging in there.

"Jeongyeon-ssi, when did you say that you last saw that woman?"

"I don't remember exactly," she said after thinking for a few seconds. I think Oppa left maybe around 1:10 am because I remember that I overheard some girls walking by and talking about the time they needed to leave and that was right after I re-entered the club.

That Soojin person... I think she left five minutes or less after that. I don't know if Oppa left right away or if he stayed outside longer."

"Ok, let's not completely freak out right now, but I think we should assume that Jimin is not safe until we find him," Suga spoke in a strained voice.

Namjoon nodded and looked at Sejin.

"Hyung, is the location system already active? That would be useful right now?"

"A location system? Is the company spying on us during our private time?" Jin asked incredulously.

"Chill, Hyung, it's not what you think. With all the sasaeng stuff happening recently and Jimin's stalker, Bang PD thought it might be a good idea to give this a try.

Notes | Park Jimin x Yoo JeongyeonWhere stories live. Discover now