Chapter 53

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There was no protest from me this time as Tina turned to leave. I felt embarrassed and betrayed. I was pissed off and I had every right to be. Just a glance in Janet's direction and I could see a battle going on in her heart and mind. It was evident on her face.

"T, wait." She said running after her and grabbed her by the hand. Tina slowly turned to face her. "I'm not going to lie, this hurt." She said. "But I want to fix this. I know that things won't go back to normal over night. I'm gonna need some space, but you're my sister and sisters fight all the time. I've wronged you in the past and I'm so sorry for that. I forgive you. Do you think you can forgive me too?" Janet asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Tina wrapped her arms around her neck as they held each other and cried for a moment. They then turned to face me. Tina approached me cautiously and held her hand out to me again.

"I just-" She begin to say, but I shook my head. I'd already heard enough. "Shawn can we just talk about this?" She asked.

"In as little as 24 hours this little secret that you and my wife have been keeping has turned my life upside down." I said, growing increasingly frustrated with the tears that were now falling from my eyes.. "You were in my wedding T. You let me stand up there, in front of all of my family and friends and marry someone that I don't even feel like I really know anymore." I stood and walked towards her. Her eyes followed. "Then you come in here talking some bullshit about protecting me?"

"I thought I was helping you." Tina said.

"Well do me a favor, don't ever try to help me again." I said turning away from her.

"Shawnette I love you. Amelia does too." I turned around quickly and got in her face.

"Yeah? Just not enough to tell me the truth before I wasted half my FUCKING LIFE!" I yelled and felt Janet's hand on my arm. "We're not friends." I said as I turned away from her and walked back into the kitchen. I stayed there until Janet joined me just moments later.

She approached me from behind. I glanced at her over my shoulder as I poured myself another drink.

"Mind sharing some of that with me?" She asked sweetly and held out her empty glass to me. "Also the food is here, and another bottle of wine."

"Is she gone?" I asked as I handed her glass back. She nodded and took a sip. "Good."

We stood there for a moment. Janet looked at me and smiled.

"You know what always makes me feel better?" She asked . I already knew what she was doing. I laughed and shook my head. "Come on, please. Are you scared I might kick your ass?" I've always loved how competitive she is.

I let a slight smile show. "Fine, but let's get some music going. Do you remember the score?"

"Of course, I'm ahead." She said and headed for the living room.

"Bullshit." I said walking close behind her. "1999, the back of Preston's car. I beat you, while the car was in motion making it a tie."

Janet turned on the radio in the back ground while I moved chairs to each end of the table. We split the French fries so they we had an equal amount and Janet ate the extras. It was game one.

"Ready for this ass whoopin'" Janet mocked, rolling her neck.

"Bring it Dunk." I said, grabbed my first fry and tossed at her. Like a pro, she caught it in her mouth on the very first shot. Janet smiled and poked her tongue out at me before doing a cute little happy dance in her chair. "Okay boo, I see you." I said as we continued on.

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