5. Rinna

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The night had unfolded its cloak of darkness. Despite the new moon, the visibility was quite acceptable thanks to the brightness of the innumerable stars that, like tiny crystals hanging from a ceiling, illuminated the celestial vault. Aela climbed to a large oak and decided to spend the night in its branches for fear of an attack by wild beasts.

Aela remained attentive and motionless, despite the terror and hunger that harassed her. She was afraid not so much of the beasts of the forest, but of those who had taken her beloved friend, her mother, and had almost hurt her. Weeping poked out of her eyes helplessly, spilling over her tired face, giving vent to a wail of pain and grief.

Then, after a short time that allowed her to relieve her anguish, and finally get soothed, the young girl decided to deal with her situation. From her high vantage point, she could see a large part of the forest. Peering attentively, she noticed a faint glow preceded by a thin plume of gray smoke, which almost immediately became invisible to the cover of the night, which came from an open clearing within the frond. That was a sure sign that someone was preparing dinner. Hunger stalked her, for never before she had spent the night alone, and much less wandering in an unknown forest without food or shelter.

After careful and prolonged thought, she decided to get down from her hideout, since the lack of food harassed her with her stomach growling in protest. She cautiously headed towards the column of smoke, despite the uneasiness that made her hesitate, afraid that this could be the campfire of a band of outlaws. On the other hand, if they happened to be just peaceful people, they might fall victim to the ones who attacked her. Hence, she resolved naively that she should take the risk and prevent them. Trusting in her ability to go unnoticed, and being as stealthy as possible, she decided to explore anyway. Her innocence and her innate willingness to be of help won over her distrustfulness.

She walked cautiously through the tangle of trees toward the clearing, peering gingerly through the branches. At first, she didn't see anyone. Then she noticed a movement to the side of the small camp, spotting the presence of an older woman, who illuminated by the glow of the campfire, crouched laboriously trying to pick some herbs from the muddy bottom of a small spring that emerged from the profoundness of the frond.

"Have no fear," Aela heard the woman speak without ever having to look up from the task that kept her occupied. "You can come out with confidence," indicated the woman reassuringly. However, moments before turning around to carry out her task, a movement in the foliage had caught the woman's attention. She noticed a hawk perch on a branch. The animal flapped its wings silently, and with its head pointed to where Aela was hiding. The woman continued with her task as if nothing had happened, so as not to scare the little girl who was spying on her. 

Aela assumed the woman was talking to someone else, so she stood motionless. Finally, the elder turned her gaze towards the girl, beckoning with her hands to come closer.

A little surprised at being discovered, given her expertise in camouflage, Aela did not move.

"Come, daughter! Do not be afraid of this poor old woman. You're safe. There is nothing to fear," said the woman.

Without much confidence, the girl decided to come out of her hiding, approaching cautiously the woman, who waited patiently, still holding the bunch of herbs she had just unearthed.

"You must be hungry," said the woman. "I cannot guess what a beautiful young girl carries out alone at night among the perils of the forest."

Loneliness, hunger, and fear of the night in such an unknown forest made Aela overcome her dread, thus prompting her to approach a few steps closer to the woman.

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