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The soft sound of the rolling of the waves and the sound of the seagulls as they rode the wind above sea soothed her. It sounded like a lullaby that she never heard before. It calmed her mind, body, and heart. She had always loved the sound of nature. The wind going through the trees, howling through caves, the waters flowing down the stream, crashing on rocks by the seaside, the rain knocking on the window and dropping on leaves. She loved the way they sound. Although thunder still scare her but that's a whole different story.

She flinched as a familiar voice boomed through the speakers. A good old 'Allô' from her good friend, Jul. She'd been using the recordings as white noise along with the waves outside the window.

She was sitting on the sofa beside the open window. Relaxing, lounging, basically just sitting there. She was taking a break, a well-deserved one as she just finished her latest piece. Her phone lay unlocked on the couch, a word document open and on screen. She smiled at it, excited to see how this one would turn out.


She heard a voice from her side. There stood a man with messy brown hair wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and white sweatpants. He was carrying a few bags of their groceries, tomatoes clearly seen on top of one of the bags. He was staring at her, scolding but his eyes said delight. Those green emeralds were trained on her like it always had been all these years and she loved it. She loves him.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to sit there?" he started, "You are going to catch a cold, amor."

She chuckled. He had always been a worrywart.

"Mi spiace," she replied, "I'm just taking a break, Nyx."

She wondered how life worked sometimes. First it gave her horrifying experiences, traumatizing her all her life, then it turned around and gave her the love of her life. Was it trying to make up for the horror it inflicted on her? She didn't know but she was thankful for the gift.

It was so unexpected. A surprising bundle of chapters to the worn and battered book of her life. The first being when they first met.

Messy brown hair, lanky physique, green emeralds, and a large smile. The sight of him sent her heart into a panic that day. He was a handsome young man that gave her her first panel gift. It was no secret that she held that little rabbit close to her heart yet the face of the one who gave it was blurred out within the years. She didn't remember him even as the second chapter started to unfold.

Again, his naturally unruly brown hair and sparkling green eyes caught her attention almost immediately. He seemed oddly eye-catching to her despite all the Spain cosplayers that day. Arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, his friend pulling and tugging at him in all directions, it was an incredible sight. He was a sight to behold but she doubted his abilities when it came to acting and she was proven wrong.

She sat beside him during the audition and she found herself in awe. He was not only pleasant to the eyes but his voice was heavenly, as well. His stage presence was enormous as he delivered line after line. It amazed her to see how talented he was. Although, his introduction piece had been an awkward mess. It was a disaster with him losing his focus and forgetting his turn but seeing his emerald eyes sparkling at her made her heart skip a beat. She thought that they were breathtakingly beautiful.

Him cling to his friend for dear life poked her curiosity. Talking to him, learning that he was fluent in Spanish, that he has a brother, that his name was Nyx was somehow within her plans and expectations. But learning how his brows would crease at the mention of his brother, how his eyes sparkled as he smiled, and how his voice made her heart do flips in her chest was a welcome surprise.

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