Chapter 15

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As the best friend, one would expect that this title would only include having blackmail material and putting up with the shit your own best friend does. Well, he guessed that this is still part of the 'putting up with shit' part but standing here, watching him fidget with his cuff links every damn second of his life, was making Jul as tense as him.

Jul thought back to how this all began. It was his fault. He dragged him into that panel hall and let him see her, admire her, and obsess about her. To Jul, it seemed like that panel back in 2010 had sealed Nyx's fate. If his friend had left him on his own that day, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. Jul wouldn't have begged him to join the audition either.

It was a game for Jul. Back then, it was anyways. He wanted to see how Nyx's obsession would last and, boy, that lasted a long time. Longer than he expected it would. Learning of Ren's real gender and seeing his friend in a heap of red and embarrassment on the floor, was a giant plot twist. From then on, the obsession from his friend's eyes turned into something else, something he never saw in Nyx's eyes but knew very well.

Obsession and admiration turned into love. As cheesy at it sounded, it was what Jul saw. The day Nyx sought advice asking him how one knew if they love someone, he had to rack his brain from answers. He had to reopen memories and wounds that he wanted to bury but he did it. Anything to help his dear friend.

But in all seriousness, that indirect public confession shocked him. He was expecting Nyx to confess but not that soon and especially not in that way. His heart started racing the moment he realized that Nyx was off the script. He made eye contact with Rodney whose eyes were as shocked as his. Both of them were not expecting that but then again, Nyx had always been unexpected. Rodney may have been able to steer his friend to a general direction but how he acted once he was there, was out of anyone's control.

Nyx begging and dragging him to several jewelry stores as they tried to find a nice ring for Ren. Nyx forgetting to check Ren's ring size before going to jewelry store to get her a ring. Him having to call Erzé to slyly get that ring size. Then by the end of all that, realizing that Nyx forgot his wallet in his house. He wanted to punch him.

But as he watched him through Erzé's hidden camera in the photoshoot room, he rooted for him and prayed so hard that this will end up well. Nyx going down on one knee, Ren covering her mouth as she cried and Nyx saying the same words that he had been saying in panels for years. Only this time he's saying it as his true self.

"Ren," they all took note when he said her name, "we have been together for years. We've been through thick and thin, and stuck by each other's sides through everything."

The camera couldn't get a good angle at Ren but they all knew they she knew these words.

"Your tears hurt me more than I thought. They scared me to the point of crying myself. I never want to see them in your eyes again. But I know that there will be times that you'll have to let them out and I'll be there with you. Holding you, caring for you, and wiping your tears as you slowly calm down. "

They could hear the crack in Nyx's voice, nervousness kicking in, despite the microphone being so crappy.

"Your smiles had made my life brighter than I'm used to and I want to protect that smile as long as you'll let me. Will you let me be your husband, 'til death do us part, mi amor?"

Jul knew he wasn't the only one who held their breath. The rest of Vandata Cosplay group was glued to the laptop as they waited for Ren's answer. And answer she did.

"Three full meals and a nap everyday, bastardo."

With just those words, everyone understood. It was a 'yes'. They cheered, jumped, and hollered at the top of their lungs as Nyx slid the ring into its rightful place, Ren's left ring finger. Needless to say, the photoshoot was rescheduled for another day as they spent the whole day congratulating and celebrating the newly betrothed.

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