jolly ranchers

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Dear Louis,

First things first {I'm so not the realist and no, I can not drop down to make the whole world feel it and I can not hold you down like I'm giving lessons in physics and I'm sure, your mother does not want a bad bitch like this}, you look really /really/ hot today and I just wanted to say....

{clears throat here}

Dayum boy, holy sit.

Shit, I meant shit because you know, it seems like everyone around here writes with pen.

Anyways, today's candy is jolly ranchers and yum, they are so good. What's your favourite flavour and by the way? Mine would be grape and blue raspberry definitely.

So I'll start with grape ; the taste of grape reminds me of you because a grape is small but filled with so much passion - just like you. You're sassy, beautiful and beautiful again and I can't keep my eyes off of you because you're perfect.

Blue raspberry: Your eyes. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes. They're the colour of blue raspberry and every time I taste it, it reminds me of your beautiful aqua blue eyes and although that sounds creepy, it seems like I'm eating your eyes out.

But if you can catch the drift here, I could be eating something else out {wink, wink} with permission of course because you know, I may come off a bit strong but I respect men's decisions. But either way, your ass is definitely in my 'next to eat list'

Fuck, well Liam (he's my manager) is telling me to hurry up so I can get my new name tag because apparently the one I have now, has my middle name on it which Edward by the way and please don't start on that Twilight shit.

So here you have it, we might meet tomorrow, who knows? You know my first name and middle sooo...

have fun finding a harry tomorrow, baby ;)

wait...can I call you that or?


hint: I like you more than you think



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